[minutes] Second Screen WG/CG F2F - Day 2/2 - TPAC Lisbon - 2019-09-23

Hi again Second Screen WG and hello Second Screen CG,

I cleaned up the minutes of the second day of the Second Screen WG Lisbon F2F last week. These minutes also include the minutes of the Second Screen CG F2F. They are available at:


... and copied as raw text below for archival.

The Working Group discussed how remoting media playback affects media algorithms and possible consequences for the Remote Playback API and for web app developers.

This was the first F2F of the renewed Second Screen Community Group. Participants exchanged requirements for an Open Screen Protocol and started to investigate different options for discovery, transport, application protocol, and security. A new repository got created to incubate ideas and develop specifications:



Second Screen WG F2F - Day 2/2
23 Sep 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/09/23-webscreens-irc


          Anton_Vayvod(Google), Mark_Foltz(Google),
          Anssi_Kostiainen(Intel), Shih-Chiang_Chien(Mozilla),
          Mounir_Lamouri(Google), Chris_Needham(BBC),
          Tomoyuki_Shimizu(KDDI), Louay_Bassbouss(Fraunhofer),
          Francois_Daoust(W3C), Hyojin_Song(LGE),
          Tatsuya_Igarashi(Sony), Takeshi_Kanai(Sony),


          Mark, Francois, Chris_Needham


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Second Screen WG re-chartering
         2. [5]Remote Playback API Issue #41
         3. [6]Renewed Second Screen CG
         4. [7]WebAPI/PresentationAPI protocol draft
         5. [8]Open Screen Protocol
         6. [9]Open Screen Protocol - Discovery
         7. [10]Open Screen Protocol - Transport
         8. [11]Open Screen Protocol - Application protocol
         9. [12]Open Screen Protocol - Security
        10. [13]Wrap-up session

   See also the [14]minutes of day 1.

     [14] http://www.w3.org/22-webscreens-minutes.html

   [Shih-Chiang demoes a 1-UA implementation of the Presentation
   API in Firefox using a Chromedcast device]

   Shih-Chiang: Mirroring start presentation.
   ... Without connection mirroring to chromecast. Trigger
   presentation via session.start().
   ... Patches are still landing. May be able to use on Firefox
   nightly soon.

   Anton: Media Router is part of device. Remote Display to
   initate is part of Play Services.

Second Screen WG re-chartering

   -> [15]2016 charter proposal

     [15] https://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter-2016.html

   -> [16]Diff from previous charter

     [16] http://services.w3.org/htmldiff?doc1=https://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter.html&doc2=https://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/charter-2016.html

   Anssi: Let's look at working group charter.
   ... Presentation API final recommendation to Q2 2017.

   Francois: Keep changes to a minimum.

   Francois: End date is October 2017. Scope hasn't changed.
   ...Dropped term "Presentation" from WG name. In practice no one
   uses it.
   ... The level 2 item allows the WG to work on a spec. Does not
   commit the group.

   Mark_Foltz: Will Level 2 go back to first base (ED)?
   Francois/Anssi: Yes. If minor changes, can go quickly to FPWD.
   ... Remote Playback API was not in the first charter. Now it's
   in a separate document.
   ... Expected completion of Q3 2017 may be optimistic. However
   implementations already exist.
   ... Updated dependencies, working group names.
   ... Licensing had custom text. The rule that allows us to
   publish with software + document license is now the default.
   ... Change is that we are going to switch date. Implementations
   are focusing on 1-UA mode. Can relax exit criteria for
   candidate rec if necessary.

   Anssi: For 2-UA mode, protocols are being incubated. May delay
   until protocols are mature.

   Francois: End of next weeks, goes to AC review, 4-5 weeks.

   Mark_Foltz: What about changes that need to be upstreamed.
   ... Like sandboxing flag.

   Francois: Needs test coverage. Will be upstreamed into HTML
   ... Prefer to remove it from our spec to avoid duplicate

   Anssi: Normative reference policy, enforced in principle. Make
   it easier to publish specs for normative referncing.

Remote Playback API Issue #41

   -> [17]Guidance for HTMLMediaElement, HTMLAudioElement,
   HTMLVideoElement behaviors during remoting (#41)

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/remote-playback/issues/41

   Anton: Looking at whether we need to spec how the Media Element
   API works in a connected state.
   ... Philip J suggested we list what we have.
   ... Listed all properties. Grouped into areas.
   ... Too restrictive, could be restrictions on seeking in the
   original element. But they may not comply with the element
   ... Kind to be more specific for what must be supported. Don't
   want to copy the entire media element spec into the remote
   playback API.
   ... How to avoid enumerating in RP spec.

   Francois: MediaStream copied the element spec and [18]changed
   behavior of features.
   ... Lists all attributes that are specific to media streams.

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-main/#mediastreams-in-media-elements

   Mark: Enumerate behaviors that must be different for all
   ... And behaviors that may be difficult to implement. Change
   ... Capture a diff from the default media element spec.

   Anton: Want a table that should be have differently.
   ... And the might not work. Francois: Not normative,
   application developers should not expect this to work.

   Anssi: Unless there is a good use case, don't extend semantics.
   ... (for MediaError)
   ... Could flex the definition of a network error.

   Anton: Changing states will be the hardest. Do we want to spec
   that in some way.

   Francois: Changing state transitions is hard. As a rule of
   thumb can't change algorithms.

   Anssi: Minimize patches to existing spec. Think about the long
   term plan to upstream these changes.
   ... Custom elements are slowly getting upstreamed into HTML.
   Could get pushback if keep patching.
   ... In upstream spec, define extension points for changing

   The group discusses [19]high-level media features: seeking (and
   fast seeking), how playbackrate could work or break in a remote
   context. Mounir suggests to just leave some features as "best
   efforts". Problem is that it may break content, e.g. apps that
   use playbackrate to synchronize content.

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/remote-playback/issues/41#issuecomment-222925224

   Mounir suggests that all the operation that should apply to the
   remote playback should be sent to the remote side and
   conversely all the operations and changes happening on the
   remote side be sent to the local side.

   Mark points out that it may be difficult to get remote players
   to support all features properly. Hence the need for SHOULD in
   some cases. For example, Philipp mentioned WebVTT as a
   challenge. Going from MUST to SHOULD is problematic though,
   since that changes the expected behavior.

   Proposed plan is to find the features that are challenging to
   implement, and for those that need to switch to a SHOULD,
   figure out how the changes will impact developers.

   Mark_Foltz: For features that change from MUST to SHOULD,
   should define expected behavior if the feature is not

   [End of WG meeting / Start of CG meeting]

Renewed Second Screen CG

   -> [20]Second Screen CG charter

     [20] https://webscreens.github.io/cg-charter

   Anssi: The CG is 3 year old, transitioned to the WG, but
   improved interoperability for the Presentation API supposes
   that there is agreement on underlying protocols. The CG
   re-chartered recently to work on it.

   Mark: Initially, the CG was chartered with protocols out of
   scope, to work on features first. That poses a challenge for
   interoperability though. Cross-vendor support is hard to
   achieve without agreement on standard protocols.
   ... Now that the work on the Presentation API is stable, we
   decided to re-charter the CG to work on protocols.
   ... Goals are to 1/ enable interoperability, 2/ encourage
   implementations of the Presentation API thanks to the existence
   of a protocol, 3/ establish complementary specs for the
   Presentation API.
   ... In particular, discuss network details.
   ... This CG is for incubation. We'll want to transition the
   deliverables to the appropriate venue. In parallel, we may want
   to do some implementation work to provide feedback.
   ... The goal is to move to a standards-track somewhere, whether
   that means W3C or IETF is an open question.
   ... Looking at the scope of work, the scope was initially
   larger, we pruned some of the features and that's good to
   better focus it. Other interesting use cases could be explored
   ... We're focusing on the common scenario: control of a second
   screen in the LAN. We also want to make sure that we can
   implement all of the Presentation API and the Remote Playback
   API. The former one is mostly stable now, the latter is still
   work in progress but we're starting to see needs there.
   ... The priority focus is on the 2-UA mode. But the 1-UA mode
   is interesting too, hopefully the discovery and connection
   establishment can be the same in both cases, with control
   message communications replaced by WebRTC-like offer exchanges
   and stream passing.
   ... We'll want to consider extension points for the protocols.
   ... I think we want to leverage existing standards as much as
   practical. We should consider the work we're doing as an
   application of these standards.
   ... We're not going to define video codecs, work on 1-UA mode
   right away, discuss MSE/EME support.
   ... We're also going to leave non IPv4/IPv6 protocols out of
   scope as well to start with. We're also not going to develop
   spec that use proprietary protocols for the Presentation API.
   ... Deliverables: 1/ discovery and communication establishment.
   2/ control channel for the Presentation API. 3/ control channel
   for the Remote Playback API.
   ... If there is interest in expanding the scope, participants
   can request to change the charter.

   Anssi: Note we may publish non-normative reports as well, such
   as use cases, requirements and other notes.

   Tidoust: Two main differences between WGs. License agreement:
   agree that the final spec is licensed under a royalty-free
   patent policy.

   CG: Agree to license contributions to a royalty-free patent
   ... Companies are encouaraged to license final spec, but not
   ... CG can publish specs as it wants. No AC review, no draft,
   report process. No intermediate steps.
   ... CG are open to all and free to join. Non-members are free
   to join.

   Anssi: I'm happy to chair this CG. There's a process to change
   the chair if needed.

   Tatsuya_Igarashi: Do we assume that the local network is always
   connected to the Internet?

   Mark: I don't think the charter specifies one way or the other.
   ... My opinion is that the Web should work in "disconnected"
   networks in principle. It would be a nice property to keep it
   this way. But it may not be entirely feasible.
   ... So I'd say it is in scope but I don't think we can
   guarantee that this will be supported at this stage.

   Anssi: Goal of today is to gather initial inputs, and discuss
   who could be interested to lead some of this work.

   Mark: I have some thoughts about protocols and potential
   options. I want to take a broader approach here.

   Anssi: We won't rubberstamp anything here.

   Mark: Right. For different areas, we'll want to identify who
   might want to investigate them.

   Anssi: Are we expecting new participants for implementers side?

   Mark: Maybe, some expertise (security, privacy, etc.) might be

   Shih-Chiang: I need to double-check with other Mozilla people
   to see if this is on our priority lists.

   Anssi: OK, let's put ideas on the table and see how we split
   the work, as well as who could lead each part.

WebAPI/PresentationAPI protocol draft

   -> [21]Mozilla's WebAPI/Presentation API protocol

     [21] https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI/PresentationAPI:Protocol_Draft

   Shih-Chiang: To start with, we need some way to discover and
   establish the communication. Then we also need some way to
   share capabilities so we can figure out what the device can do,
   and typically whether the device can fulfil the presentation
   request in the queue.
   ... That's the first step. Once discovered and selected by the
   user, the next step is to launch the application. This requires
   passing the URL around as well as the presentation session
   information. We need to support controlling messages to
   connect, disconnect, close, terminate presentations.
   ... We also need some way to pass some user settings to the
   receiver device, such as the user's locale.
   ... After application launch, using control messages we
   defined, we need to define what protocol gets used for the
   communication channel between the controlling page and the
   receiving page.
   ... In parallel, we need to enforce security measures: device
   authentication, data encryption and data integrity.
   ... These are the basic requirements I have in mind.
   ... The rest of the Wiki page is proposed protocols to address
   these requirements.

   Anssi: Do these requirements match your thoughts?

   Mark: It's pretty close. Two comments I would have:
   capabilities is not exposed to the API, so that may not be a
   strong requirement. It's fine as an extension.
   ... It also depends on the methods by which the user agent
   might want to determine the availability for a given URL.
   ... The second comment is that I think the security
   requirements depend on type and number of network transports in
   use between devices and that's not determined yet.
   ... Otherwise, that seems good.
   ... I have similar requirements in my presentation.

   Francois: For the communication channel, both "one
   communication channel per presentation session" and "one
   communication channel that multiplexes presentation exchanges"
   are possible, right?

   Mark: Yes, that's two possible options.

Open Screen Protocol

   -> [22]Mark's Open Screen Protocol requirements and proposed

     [22] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kZGIh_Pm2O8elfASbLUog4nCNvolXY627RRAJ9twjQY/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=60000&slide=id.p

   [Mark presents slides]

   Mark: Starting with requirements. We need discovery of
   receivers on a shared LAN.
   ... Some authentication mechanism and reliable communication
   channel is needed.
   ... Some non-functional aspects include usability.
   ... Also, we should be careful that we're not leaking
   information that would compromise privacy.
   ... A common use case is mobile devices, both sides may be
   constrained in terms of memory and battery life. That may have
   implications on protocol operations.
   ... We want a broad range of implementations. It would be
   interesting to target a platform or a device that might be
   difficult to implement this on, like a Chromecast device, a
   Raspberry PI.
   ... It would be good to understand the limitations of such
   ... Finally, we need to have ways to extend the protocols to
   add new features (remote playback, Presentation API v2, etc.)
   and retain backward compatibility.
   ... In particular, crypto protocols evolve over time, some way
   to update cypher-suites will be needed.
   ... That's all for requirements. 4 main parts: discovery,
   transport, application protocol and security.

Open Screen Protocol - Discovery

   Mark: For discovery, the work we've done in Chrome is that
   we've used 2 different methods. Once was to use SSDP for DIAL
   ... Controller continuously transmits multicast queries via UDP
   and the receiver that is interested responds to the queries.
   ... Our experience is that it is very simple to implement. Open
   a socket, 3 queries per 2 minutes and that's pretty reliable.
   ... Downsides: it requires continuous polling. Caching rules
   are unclear. There is an extension for IPv6 but it's not an
   official part of DIAL.
   ... When things fall down is when we need to fetch a document,
   proxy issues.
   ... Finally, XML parsing requires a separate sandboxing in
   Chrome for security.
   ... The second method we use is based on mDNS/DNS-SD (aka
   ... The receiver publishes DNS records for discover on the
   .local domain.
   ... Our experience with this method is that listeners are built
   into three common platforms including iOS and Android.
   ... It is on standards track and defines caching rules and
   supports IPv6.
   ... We have found some issue when the listener is not supported
   on the platform, then reliability suffers.
   ... We think this is due to firewall software which conflicts
   with the port used in mDNS.
   ... For battery, it depends a bit on how much caching you use.
   Finally, the client may think that the receiver is still there
   when it actually went away.
   ... Flushing the cache may be possible.
   ... In general, we consider DNS-SD a preferred option due to
   the standards state in particular.
   ... We think we should propose a service, instance name, a TXT
   record format.
   ... We should also gather data on reliability.

   Shih-Chiang: mDNS, DNS-SD can also support TCP discovery, not
   only UDP so more reliable than SSDP.

   Mark: Another area we'd like to investigate is around ports and
   multicasting on port 5353.

   Shih-Chiang: Only one port for exchanging messages, so only one
   platform listener in theory.

   Mark: Can be worked around in practice.
   ... One action item is to gather reliability data from our
   implementation so that we can get a baseline on how many
   packets we exchange.
   ... I'll see how I can share this information.
   ... With DIAL, most of my concerns are around XML.
   ... Fetching an XML document has a number of issues, because it
   goes through the usual HTTP stack, possibly through proxies.
   Two, parsing XML is generally considered unsafe.
   ... We may be able to remove dependency on the XML parsing.

   Louay: Why do you need polling for SSDP?

   Mark: The DIAL implementation of SSDP is query only, but it's
   true that SSDP is not, so we may want to consider it in

   Shih-Chiang: The issue I have with SSDP vs. DNS-SD is that
   there are different implementations differ in the XML they
   produce and don't always follow the right format.

   Louay: You may not need an XML description in SSDP. SSDP is
   used in TV devices, which could be receiver devices.

   [Lunch break]

   <Louay> Note: [23]SSDP proposal for Physical Web

     [23] https://github.com/google/physical-web/blob/master/documentation/ssdp_support.md

Open Screen Protocol - Transport

   Mark presents transport requirements.

   Mark: Some sort of flow control would be useful. More optional
   would be some compression mechanism.
   ... The trade-off is with CPU/battery usage.
   ... Whether we want to multiplex communication channels is an
   open question. There are pros and cons to both approaches.
   ... You want to be extra careful about identifying connections
   if you multiplex. It also makes the application protocol a bit
   more complex.
   ... One thing we found in our implementation is that, since it
   may be difficult to tell whether a device is still connected,
   some keep-alive mechanism is needed. TCP keep-alive does not
   quite seem to work.
   ... Finally, some non-functional requirement is that we don't
   want both ends to be in a disconnected state for too long when
   they re-establish connections.
   ... We'll want to minimize the latency there.

   Shih-Chiang: Compression and latency are less of a problem in a
   local network environment. I would not take them as mandatory

   Mark: Right, if we don't multiplex, we need to go through
   hand-shakes for each connection.

   Shih-Chiang: What about prioritization of messages on the
   controlling channel? For instance, keep-alive messages might
   have higher priority

   Mark: That's a good point.
   ... I don't have specific transport protocol at this time. I
   listed 5 options, and suggest we investigate further.
   ... One option is to use TCP + HTTP/2, since HTTP/2 allows for
   bi-directional protocols. It can handle all of the things we
   need for the API. It has headers, supports compression and
   other requirements. I do not know about prioritization though.

   Shih-Chiang: It might have a fairness mechanism.

   Mark: The one that is most similar is UDP + QUIC. Google is
   primarily developing that protocol. QUIC is designed to
   minimize a number of round-trip exchanges so has minimal
   ... It will also support new versions of TLS.
   ... It would be good to understand the pros and cons of each of
   ... Another option is to use plain TCP + WebSockets. We could
   reuse a lot of that for the application messaging because the
   API is very similar.
   ... It may not support multiplexing out of the box though.
   ... Another option is UDP + STCP as done for RTCDataChannel.
   ... I'm not deeply familiar with that approach.
   ... I'm also not familiar on how you can establish an
   RTCDataChannel out of WebRTC, but I suppose that's easy.
   ... Finally, we could do TCP + Custom protocol. I think that
   can be an option if none of the other options look reasonable
   ... I'm hopeful one of the other protocols will be suitable.
   ... Note HTTP/2 and QUIC are relatively new protocols.
   ... If possible, it would be interesting to do some
   ... Some non-functional requirements is that the application
   level protocol should be easy to implement on top of the
   transport protocol. Security should be easy to address as well.
   Standards need to be mature enough and implementations
   available as well as easy to integrate.

   Anssi: Can we filter out some options based on existing data?

   Mark: We publish some expectations about how responsive
   applications should be, which places some restrictions on what
   these protocols can be.
   ... We try to be efficient in the code so that network
   operations are not much shorter than their visible outcome for
   the application developer

   Tatsuya_Igarashi: What about media transport?

   Mark: This is not included here. I would think it will be what
   WebRTC uses for media transport.

   Tatsuya_Igarashi: Do you think another protocol should be
   defined for media playback?

   Mark: In the 2-UA "media flinging" case, the media is not
   streamed, the connection is used to exchange state information.
   Media streaming is currently out of scope for the CG.

   Francois: We have a signaling channel and a communication
   channel. Does it make sense to envision different transport
   protocols for both channels?

   Mark: It depends on how much multiplexing we end up doing.
   ... Things should be compatible with the WebRTC case in the

   Louay: I can study TCP + WebSockets. Also interested on

   Anssi: You did some [24]background study on interoperability, I

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/blob/gh-pages/interoperability.md

   Louay: Yes
   ... Thinking about HbbTV case, where they chose DIAL for
   discovery, WebSocket for communication. They also have
   synchronization endpoints, which is not part of our discussions

   Mark: QUIC is basically a way to multiplex multiple reliable
   streams over UDP.
   ... It's optimized for HTTP, to fetch resources in parallel.
   ... Normally, over TCP, if a packet gets dropped, you have to
   request the packet another time. With UDP, it's easier to
   reconstruct the missing packet afterwards.

   Shih-Chiang: Another advantage is to have better TCP features
   in user space. Easier to share libraries to update QUIC support
   instead of relying on platform update.

   Mark: Yes. It would be good to understand the roadmap.

Open Screen Protocol - Application protocol

   Mark: I think there's a lot of freedom here to do things
   ... Looking into it, it felt a little bit more webby and more
   HTTP-oriented protocol.
   ... My proposal is very REST-like.
   ... If we use HTTP/2, then it makes sense. We may want to
   adjust if we chose a different transport.
   ... To find more information about a receiver, you will issue a
   GET on the receiver to get its name as well as on-going
   ... We don't have a feature in the Presentation API right now
   to tell whether a presentation is public or private.
   ... That could be something to add at the protocol level then
   in v2.
   ... I'm using JSON here, that can be discussed. I'm not a fan
   of XML.

   Shih-Chiang: Some of this information can be baked into e.g.
   the DNS record during the discovery phase.
   ... It could make sense to collect that information immediately
   to speed up screen detection.

   Mark: There's a layering approach. If you're connecting to the
   device through other means, then you may need that information.
   I'm trying to design the protocol independent of the discovery
   protocol. That does not prevent optimizations.
   ... To start a presentation, we could send a POST request that
   gives you a path to the presentation and connection resources.
   ... A terminate would be a DELETE, a reconnect a POST request
   on the presentation resource, and a close another DELETE on the
   connection resource.
   ... These requests are all coming from the controller at this
   ... For messaging, we need to use bi-directional features of
   the transport protocol.
   ... We need to figure out what headers to send, what caching
   could happen, etc.

   Francois: REST "purity" would use PUT to create resources
   (returned in a Location HTTP header), although in our case, we
   create both a presentation resource and a connection resource.

   Mark: OK.
   ... For messaging, you would send a POST request for sending
   messaging. To listen to messages, we would use the subscription
   mechanism of the transport protocol that would simulate a GET

   Shih-Chiang: OK, we would still need to frame each of the

   Mark: If we choose a transport that is not based on HTTP, I
   think we will want to design our own command protocol that
   mimics HTTP verbs.

   Shih-Chiang: Because the control message is bi-directional, I
   was not thinking about HTTP.

   Mark: We should evaluate bi-directional communication in HTTP/2
   to decide whether it's a good fit.
   ... This proposal would be a good fit for HTTP/2 or QUIC, but
   it needs to be revisited if we choose a different transport
   ... One of the things that made DIAL challenging is that it
   uses HTTP/1 which does not have bi-directional support.
   ... Now we can find a transport protocol that addresses both
   client-server and bi-directional needs.

Open Screen Protocol - Security

   Mark: Stepping back on security aspects, the focus in my
   current thinking is that it's more important to authenticate
   the receiving UA to the controlling UA than vice versa.
   ... The presentation must be made aware that there is no
   guarantee and that it needs to apply application logic to
   validate the authentication of the application that connects to
   ... As such, I'm putting app to app authentication, as well as
   authentication of the controlling UA to the receiving UA out of

   Shih-Chiang: The certificate may not need to be signed by a
   trusted third-party. In our current experimentation, we use
   anonymous authentication exchanges to make sure the certificate
   is from the other peer.

   Mark: So you do mutual authentication?

   Shih-Chiang: Yes.

   Mark: That's a useful property to have. If the handshake has
   mutual authentication property, that's fine. In my Chromecast
   case, authentication gets based on my Google ID.
   ... Of course, one goal is to maintain confidentiality of data
   exchanged between peers.
   ... Since we're targeting 2-UA, we're not worried about
   authentication issues with media streams.

   Tatsuya_Igarashi: How is the authentication established?

   Mark: The user will have to be involved. At least, in the
   proposal I have, the user is involved. There may be ways to
   bypass the user. That seems more vendor-specific though.

   The group discusses the impossibility for apps to authenticate
   the app running on the other end if non secure origins get
   used. This links back to previous discussions on restricting
   the Presentation API to secure origins.

   In some environments, such as HbbTV, the communication channel
   is current non secure. Is it OK for communications between
   non-secure origin apps? Probably not! The group will prefer
   secure protocols no matter what.

   Mark: Continuing with authentication consideration.
   Private/Public key approaches look good. No password!
   ... My current reading of the Web security community is that
   they are trying to invent the next version of TLS which is TLS
   1.3, also getting rid of crypto algorithms that are no longer
   ... I believe it is still in the standardisation process.

   Shih-Chiang: I'm following progress. The editor of TLS 1.3 is
   from Mozilla and he keeps updating the draft. I haven't seen a
   clear consensus on the spec so far. I can check internally
   about status.

   Mark: Thanks. Based on discussions both at Google and in other
   places, there are some possible solutions that try to leverage
   public DNS to solve private LAN authentication, and that seems
   to complicate things and leak private information.
   ... My preference is to avoid this.
   ... Two possible approaches: a key-based approach where the
   receiver has a long-lived public/private keypair which can be
   used to sign short lived certificates. The controller will have
   to check that the long-lived public key belongs to that device.
   ... The user would authorize the receiver on first use and
   verify the hostname. The public key hash would be displayed
   with a friendly name.
   ... Some open questions e.g. on how to revoke keys, etc.

   Shih-Chiang: The approach we have right now is to exchange
   certificates that are self-signed. We do carry the hash of the
   certificate in the DNS TXT record.
   ... When we receive the certificate, we can check whether that
   certificate received through the anonymous procedure matches
   the one that is registered in the DNS TXT record.
   ... If it matches, then we assume it's good to use.
   ... The assumption is that the DNS TXT record for the
   fingerprint of the certificate is correct.

   Mark: That probably is not an assumption that would make it
   through our security folks.
   ... We need something that the user needs to verify. It can be
   a PIN code, or a hash.
   ... The second approach that I've been thinking about is to ask
   the user to enter a short code. PAKE then gets used to generate
   a shared secret.

   Shih-Chiang: After the authentication is passed, you will be
   able to encrypt with a shared secret key. We exchange the
   certificate through that channel for later connections.
   ... I will share some documentation about our design with PAKE

   Mark: From a usability point of view, a one-time pairing is
   ... Under certain circumstances, e.g. change of device friendly
   name, change of location, we may need to re-pair.
   ... I think we're pretty aligned on the overall security
   ... I'm going to review this with security people at Google.

Wrap-up session

   Anssi: I created a new GitHub [25]Open Screen Protocol
   repository for the CG.
   ... Let's create markdown files in the GitHub repo, one per
   ... The four areas: discovery, transport, protocol, security
   ... Looking for contributors

     [25] https://github.com/webscreens/openscreenprotocol

   Mark: I'll try to get some performance data
   ... Can we create a meta-issue for each work item?

   Chris: I am also interested in contributing

   Anssi: We're on track with testing
   ... We may produce another CR and adjust the exit criteria, but
   let's see
   ... The protocol work may motivate some V2 features

   Mark: We want to allow documents to announce themselves as

   Anssi: The Presentation API is in good shape, thanks to
   ... With the Remote Playback API, the guidance for
   HTMLMediaElement behaviours is the most important issue
   ... We have a plan for next steps
   ... We didn't discuss wide review for the working draft, should
   be towards the end of this year
   ... There are some changes to milestones to make in the WG
   ... The CG kick-off was successful, we have a good list of
   requirements, identified potential technologies that we need to
   ... That work will take a while, there's background work to do
   ... I don't want to set timelines for this

   Mark: I can do some of the work but will also need to consult
   ... Our priority is to get the Presentation API to CR
   ... If we create separate documents with our findings, will we
   then make a more formal document? We'll need an editor

   Anssi: The people doing the work are good candidates to edit
   ... [some discussion of relative merits of ReSpec and Bikeshed
   ... Next F2F meeting? We'll meet again at TPAC

   Francois: It's at Burlingame, 6-10 November 2017

   Anssi: We don't need to decide now, but maybe around May?

   Louay: We could offer to host it, as part of the Media Web

   <mfoltzgoogle> Mid-April to mid-June is a good window

   <Louay> [26]Fraunhofer FOKUS Media Web Symposium, May 16-18,
   2017, Berlin

     [26] https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/go/mws

   Francois: We should also check Anton's availability

   Anssi: Let's decide where and when to meet early next year
   ... This has been a great meeting, we're making good progress,
   we've had good discussions
   ... Thanks for coming

   [ adjourned ]

   [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 26 September 2016 12:46:02 UTC