RE: New WG charter under AC review

Hello WG participants,

Quick reminder that there is an on-going call for review within the Advisory Committee to renew the Second Screen WG charter. The group cannot be re-chartered if members do not support the re-chartering! The call for review closes in a week from now (25 October 2016). Please get in touch with your AC representative and make sure your company responds to the call:

C.f. (member-only) message below:


> De : Francois Daoust []
> Envoyé : vendredi 30 septembre 2016 09:45
> Hello Second Screen WG participants,
> The new WG charter that we have been discussing on this mailing-list and
> during our last F2F has now been sent out to the Advisory Committee for
> review, see the W3C Member-only message below:
> members/2016JulSep/0062.html
> The proposed charter is publicly available at:
> Please make sure that your Advisory Committee Representative gives input
> on this new charter, and ideally supports it. In particular, to get Director's
> approval, we need to demonstrate that there is sufficient support among
> W3C Members, which translates to at least 20-22 Members supporting the
> charter.
> The call for review ends on 25 October 2016.
> Feel free to get in touch for any process-related questions that you may
> have.
> Thanks,
> Francois.

Received on Monday, 17 October 2016 06:38:25 UTC