Re: [remote-playback] Why not use the Safari API?

I am tracking a few metrics about the usage of the webkit prefixed API
 (using internal Google tools). The overview is:
- `webkitShowPlaybackTargetPicker()`, 
`webkitplaybacktargetavailabilitychanged` and 
`webkitCurrentPlaybackTarget` are virtually unused on the Web. There 
is at best two dozens websites using those.
- `x-webkit-airplay=deny` and `x-webkit-wirelessvideoplaybackdisabled`
 are used by three dozen websites.
- `x-webkit-airplay=allow` and `x-webkit-airplay` (no attribute) is 
used significantly more. Three order of magnitude more. Though, these 
attributes are a no-op.

Thus, as much as I think we should use this API as a legacy to 
understand the UC, I don't think there is any benefit for the Web to 
standardize it as-is.

GitHub Notif of comment by mounirlamouri

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 11:42:01 UTC