Re: Call for agenda topics for WG F2F meeting 19-20 May 2015 in Berlin

Hi All,

> On 02 Mar 2015, at 16:31, Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:


> Now, we should start craft the agenda together. My proposal is to allocate a majority of the meeting time for discussing, solving, and agreeing on high priority issues we've identified.
> All - *please provide feedback in this thread (or privately to me) on issues you'd like to see discussed at F2F*. A good starting point is to review the current open issues, and provide an issue number, see:

I started labelling issues that have been proposed for F2F:

Please pick issues you'd like to see discussed at F2F from (or propose new ones):

We'll use this data to populate the slots in the F2F agenda:

> Please note that toward the end of the day 2 we also plan to have a slot for unconference style sessions, since many great ideas often come up during the meeting.


-Anssi (WG chair)

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2015 11:54:19 UTC