Renaming 'join' to 'reconnect'

Hi All,

For a long time I was confused as to how enable multiple parties to
connect to, for example, a game running on a TV. I think the source of
confusion was that the only function which sounded like it enabled
multiple parties to connect was the 'join' function, which required a
session identifier.

Fortunately it was explained to me that the 'start' function also
enables joining an existing application running on the TV. And that
the 'join' function was only there to allow a device to reestablish
connection with an existing PresentationSession object on the TV. This
is needed if a device experience temporary connectivity loss or if the
device or connecting application needs to be rebooted.

It might be nice to make this more clear in the naming of the API.
Maybe by renaming 'join' to 'reconnect' or 'resume' or some such?

Also, I just noticed that the 'join' function no longer takes an 'id'
argument in the WebIDL of the PresentationRequest interface. This
seems like a bug since the description of the 'join' function still
has the 'id' argument?

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 23:53:34 UTC