[RELEASE] Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (SWEET) Ontology Suite v3.4.0

Hello All,

The ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee [0] is happy to announce the immediate release and availability of the SWEET v3.4.0 [1].

What is SWEET?

SWEET is a highly modular ontology suite with >6900 concepts in 225 separate ontologies covering Earth system science. You can view the entire concept space from an ontology editor/tool such as Protege by reading in the convenience sweetAll.ttl file packaged with every release. Alternatively, ontologies can be viewed individually. SWEET consists of nine top-level concepts/ontologies and is considered as a middle-level ontology; most users add a domain-specific ontology which build off of these top-level SWEET components. SWEET ontologies are written in W3C Turtle; the Terse RDF Triple Language and are publicly available under the Apache License v2.0. Various ontology alignments are also packaged with SWEET releases e.g. W3C SOSA/SSN and W3C DCAT.


You can download SWEET from the official SWEET Github releases page [2], please make sure to download the release with the 'Latest Release' tag. Additionally, SWEET resources (http://sweetontology.net) are also available as linked data via the ESIP Community Ontology Repository [3]. The changes/release report contained within this release can be viewed at the same Github download location from which you obtained the release itself.

For further information on SWEET Community and Development please see [4]. This resource can also be used for community discussion as well as reporting technical issues.

Subject Matter Experts WANTED!!!

As a community, we've acknowledged that we need SMEs to ensure the accuracy and integrity of SWEET. General areas of interest include

Integrative Topics; Natural Phenomena (Macroscale), Human Activity, Data, Faceted Topics, etc.

Living Substances; Non-Living Substances, Physical Processes (Microscale), Earth Realm, Pysical Properties (Observation), Space, Time, Units, Numerics... and many many more. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Many thanks to those who have contributed to this release.

Thank you,

Lewis (On behalf of ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee)

[0] http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Semantic_Technologies

[1] https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/releases/tag/v3.4.0

[2] https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/releases

[3] http://cor.esipfed.org/

[4] https://github.com/ESIPFed/sweet/blob/master/README.md#community

Dr. Lewis John McGibbney Ph.D., B.Sc.(Hons)
Enterprise Search Technologist
Web and Mobile Application Development Group (172B)
Application, Consulting, Development and Engineering Section (1722)
Info & Engineering Technology Planning and Development Division (1720)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, California 91109-8099
Mail Stop : 600-172A
Tel:  (+1) (818)-393-7402
Cell: (+1) (626)-487-3476
Fax:  (+1) (818)-393-1190
Email: lewis.j.mcgibbney@jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:lewis.j.mcgibbney@jpl.nasa.gov>
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2185-928X


 Dare Mighty Things

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2019 23:37:51 UTC