Review of OGC OpenAPI Guidelines

Dear Jeremy and Linda,

OGC has started planning a couple of 'hackathons' to gain implementation feedback on the next generation of their Web Services. The intent is to start from the successful WFS3.0 approach using OpenAPI as the framework, and see whether other OGC API initiatives can identify a common core of generic services.

To this end, a set of OGC OpenAPI Guidelines have been written, and  will evolve. Hopefully they will be stable enough by the end of 2019 to become OGC Policy.

To ensure that the guidelines, and the OGC APIs, does not diverge from best practices in other domains, the OGC Architecture Board requests that the SDWIG review the guidelines towards the end of this year when feedback from the hackathons and other activities have been incorporated. It is envisaged that ongoing reviews, say annually, would be useful in keeping the Guidelines and Policy relevant, but it may not be the SDWIG that does this. It was recognised by the Board that the W3C is currently the most appropriate standards development organisation to do this review.

The OAB is aware that members of the SDWIG have already considered an early version of the Guidelines. Confirmation that SDWIG could conduct another review would be helpful.


Chris Little BA, MSc, FRMetS, MBCS
Chair, OGC Meteorology & Oceanography Domain Working Group
Chair, OGC Temporal DWG
Member, OGC Architecture Board

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Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 11:12:50 UTC