RE: Focus week: March 2019

Hi Jeremy, Linda and SDWIGers ,

Jeremy: Sorry you’ve been ill;  glad to see you back in the fray!

In February, the Maps for HTML Community Group has been active in the following areas:

* published three draft reports from the community [1]
* developed and published a MapML parser and validation service, based on the HTML validator [2]
* work is underway to implement MapML support in GeoServer, MapServer, GDAL and OGR
* MapML will be served via WFS 3 in OGC Testbed 15 and consumed by a custom elements client application [3]
* review and adjudication of comments / recommendations from OGC Testbed 13 & 14 Engineering Reports
* some community members have expressed interest in implementing our web map polyfills in the Web Experience Toolkit [4]

> identify those topics that you need help on?

We always welcome contributions, and new members to our community group: ☺






Peter Rushforth

Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada<> / Tel: 613-759-7915

Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada<> / Tél: 613-759-7915

From: Jeremy Tandy <>
Sent: March 4, 2019 4:42 AM
To: Linda van den Brink <>;
Subject: Focus week: March 2019

Hello SDWIGers ...

Today begins the first full week in March - which means that it’s a focus week for SDW IG.

Linda and I are taking it in turn to be unavailable to coordinate the focus week - she’s off running in the mountains somewhere this week. I think I prefer that to being ill like I was last month.

Those of you who are leading on projects, please can you share details of your progress through February and identify those topics that you need help on? Also, it would be very useful if you can update the short description of your project/activity on

Meanwhile, I’ll be preparing a short retrospective for our works in the last month. I hope to share that this afternoon.

Best regards, Jeremy

Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2019 14:49:09 UTC