Hyrax 1.16 (an OpenDAP server) now implements spatial data on the Web best practices

The Hyrax Data Server (version 1.16) [1] now supports provision of Web-crawlers friendly metadata (i.e. for Google Dataset Search). Which is interesting. I've not investigated this in detail to see what metadata it provides.

Also interesting is support for the CoverageJSON format and the ability to serve data direct from S3 buckets allowing for subset-in-place (i.e. don't need to load files into memory, just read byte ranges off disk).

Thought I'd share - not to suggest that you should all start using Hyrax to serve NetCDF / HDF data, but to illustrate that people are implementing things from the Best Practices.


[1]: https://www.opendap.org/software/hyrax/1.16

Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2019 14:57:43 UTC