sdw plenary meeting this week

Hi folks,
The plenary meeting this week, at the usual time of 25 January 2017 20:00 GMT<>  will focus on

  1.  OWL Time: vote to publish Working Draft Please review and comment prior to the meeting. Please cast your vote by reply-all to this email beforehand if you cannot attend the meeting.
  2.  Status of W3C Group review of documents
  3.  Attention to github tracker ( 63 open issues, mostly BP) and W3C tracker issues ( 100 live issues, mostly SSN)
  4.  Review of outstanding actions (please finalise and close off any actions you can prior to meeting)
Please see
for the details and dialin instructions.

--Kerry & Ed

Received on Monday, 23 January 2017 12:20:59 UTC