Re: SDW plenary agenda item - Namespace for SOSA and SSN ontology

I still have more questions:

> A term would be defined in at most one ontology, CORE or FULL.
> Potentially, if this ontology is CORE, this term will be further
> axiomatized (not defined), in the ontology FULL.

This means that a concept (e.g. Platform) could be simply defined in the 
CORE ontology:

sosa:Platform a rdfs:Class, owl:Class .

and further axiomitized in the FULL ontology:

sosa:Platform rdfs:subClassOf [
   rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
   owl:onProperty sosa:inDeployment ;
   owl:allValuesFrom sosa:Deployment ]

> So to answer your question, looking up
> URI would redirect you
> to CORE ontology if it is defined  in CORE.

So, enables me to get the statement I 
can find in CORE ontology (i.e. the single statement telling me that 
this is rdfs:Class). How can I get the other statements (the restriction)?


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech
Data Science Department
450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
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Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 12:49:51 UTC