Some fun with OWL DL: Instances of oldssn:Property only become instances of sosa:ObservableProperty when they are the oldssn:observedProperty of an oldssn:Observation

Hi all,

In [1], Kerry you ask:

> Kerry: Is there something we can do in ssnx to say that instances of
> only become instances of sosa:ObservableProperty when they are the
> oldssn:observedProperty of an oldssn:Observation? Can we be more careful
in ssnx,
> say, "sosa:ObservableProperty \sqsubseteq \exists oldssn:observedProperty
> \exists observes"  ? Does that work?

What you ask is equivalent to saying:

"instances of oldssn:Property that are not oldssn:observedProperty of an
oldssn:Observation are not sosa:ObservableProperty".

We should ask someone to double check, but I think this can be written in
OWL as follows:

[ owl:intersectionOf
  ( oldssn:Property
    [ owl:complementOf [
      owl:onProperty oldssn:observedProperty ;
      owl:someValuesFrom oldssn:Observation ] ]
  ) ] rdfs:subClassOf   [ owl:complementOf sosa:ObservableProperty ] .

Which 'is' in OWL DL (checked), but is truly frightful.

Otherwise, what about just modifying the definition in oldssn:Property ?

It was

 "An observable Quality of an Event or Object.  That is, not a Quality of
an abstract entity, but rather an aspect of an entity that is intrinsic to
and cannot exist without the entity and that is observable by a sensor."

We could change it to:

 "A Quality of a FeatureOfInterest. An aspect of an entity that is
intrinsic to and cannot exist without the entity."

Kind regards,

Received on Monday, 13 February 2017 17:58:36 UTC