OWL-Time - Individual months, standard temporal durations

ISSUE-141, ISSUE-142

I have updated the ontology files and the specification document, adding

-          The months January...December as individuals of the class MonthOfYear, following the pattern of DayOfWeek, but in a new namespace http://www.w3.org/ns/time-gregorian/

o   :MonthOfYear is also a subClassOf DateTimeDescription with all properties suppressed except :month and the unitType fixed to :unitMonth

-          Adding the durations Second, Minute, Hour, Data, Week, Month to the existing Year, following its pattern

o   Also making them all subclasses of Duration as well

This is a simplification from earlier proposals. January...December are only individuals now, not classes.

The draft OWL-Time spec document has been updated to incorporate these changes.

All in the branch
with a pull-request to merge into gh-pages.


Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist
Environmental Informatics
CSIRO Land and Water<http://www.csiro.au/Research/LWF>

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