Time slot for coverage sub-group phone calls

Hi all

As discussed at the meeting last night, we want to find a time for regular
calls on the coverage work strand.  The first one will be w/c 7 March and
the calls will be every other week.

The people who expressed an interest last night (apart from me) were:

Jon Blower wasn't on the call but I hope he would like to take part! so
have cc'd him separately on this mail.

I've also cc'd Manolis Koubarakis and Jitao Yang who I understand are my
co-editors of the coverage deliverable.

Since the BP group looks like it is voting in favour of Wednesday 1500 UTC,
I'd like to propose these two options:

1) Wednesday at 2000UTC (same as plenary calls but on intermediate weeks).
2) Thursday at 0800UTC (early morning in Europe, afternoon China, early
evening in Australia, middle of the night in US - Robin and Scott, I'm not
sure of your home time zones!)
3) Tuesday at 2000UTC

Please cast your votes



Received on Thursday, 25 February 2016 14:56:49 UTC