Question about identifiers

Hi Josh,

Coming back to the telecon yesterday:

<joshlieberman> Should identifiers be part of a system for the features of interest?

joshlieberman: making identifiers part of a system, where the features are part of the system?
... for example corresponding to paths in a taxonomy

Linda: no answer right now, will have to think about it

Were you talking about recommending some system for creating HTTP URI identifiers, i.e. some sort of URI strategy or pattern? Specifically where the features can be organised into some system like a hierarchy, as with administrative regions? There are some examples from Geonovums testbed here under Hierarchical URIs.

Just trying to understand what you mean... we could add some guidance to the BP about this. I think that would be helpful.


Linda van den Brink
Adviseur Geo-standaarden

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Received on Thursday, 18 August 2016 08:28:47 UTC