Smart Open data UC (Representing Geospatial Data in RDF)

Frans, Alejandro,

I've been promising a 'new' use case from the Smart Open Data project 
and, since Bart De Lathouwer and I have to present some of this to the 
European Commission on Monday, now seemed a good time to get it done.


It is related to the one submitted by Erwin Folmer [1] in that it 
relates to INSPIRE but it's more general. It highlights work done by 
Linda, Clemens et al.

It's for you/the WG to determine whether to accept my pull request.

There *may* be another one of these but, if so, it will come very 
quickly as the SmOD project (like Jon Blower's MELODIES) is working 
towards next week's show and tell meeting.





Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 11:11:52 UTC