RE: [sdwwg] for those not in the meeting today

?  Please complete any actions you have for the UCR ASAP

Tried do this yesterday, but was stymied by broken links in the tracker, as noted in email to the list. Since it is not possible for me to complete the action using the information provided, I will vote against the document moving forward. Need some assistance here please.

Would also help if emails like this, requesting action, included the links to the relevant materials.

?  I am not sure if there is something appropriate to be done through the OGC to reflect this status as well?

1.      The document should be posted to OGC 'Pending Documents'

2.      The matter should be raised on the Geosemantics DWG list

Since the document is processed according to W3C rules, there is a misalignment with the OGC process (in which documents are usually closer to finalization before going public), so there is probably no part of the formal OGC process to be invoked here. But there is a reasonable expectation of a courtesy briefing. Note that OGC TC is meeting in Boulder the week including 3rd June, so there is an opportunity for the SDWWG chairs to formally brief the Geosemantics DWG on progress.


From: []
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2015 12:25 AM
Subject: [ExternalEmail] [sdwwg] for those not in the meeting today

We plan to release the Use Cases and Requirements document, our first deliverable, as a  W3C First Public Working Draft,
by a vote at the meeting on 3rd June. Please complete any actions you have for the UCR ASAP, and also be ready to feel comfortable about the vote (ie raise anything that might get in the way!).

I am not sure if there is something appropriate to be done through the OGC to reflect this status as well? Any advice anyone?


Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 23:36:06 UTC