BP Principles- more added

Hi- I just added a couple of principles to the list [1].

   - We should avoid tight coupling with Upper Ontologies ("compatible
   with" rather than "dependent upon"); we want to avoid data publishers
   having to commit to a given world view, as specified within a particular
   Upper Ontology, in order for them to use the Best Practices and any
   ontologies we develop ourselves.
   - The Best Practices must be actionable by web application developers
   who just (!) want to *use* spatial data not become GIS experts; spatial
   data is just one facet of the information space they work with, so let's
   not make it *special* by requiring up front knowledge.

The first is in response to Action 52 that was assigned to me at
yesterday's weekly call.

The second, which I have been considering for some time, resonates with
@eparsons comment from yesterday's weekly call about determining the
audience for the BPs ... web folks- not (just) GIS experts.

BR, Jeremy

[1]: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/BP_Principles

Received on Thursday, 11 June 2015 11:20:13 UTC