Requirements from UC-19

Dear Ed and Frans,

For my Use Case 19 (Publishing Cultural Heritage Data), I identified the following existing and new requirements:

- Best Practice
-- existing

1) There should be a common encoding/serialisation for spatial data as RDF
2) It should be possible to validate data

- Coverage
-- existing

1) Temporal context
2) geospatial alignment (not sure about this one, what it means is the alignment of a named entity to its geospatial feature)

-- new

1) It must be possible to state that the spatial coverage is inexact ("north of", "close to", "coordinates are approximate")

- Time
-- existing

1) temporal granularity flexibility
2) temporal vagueness [fuzzy dates/periods]
3) temporal reasoning and relations (xsd formats)
4) nominal temporal references [e. g. " Vormärz", "La Tène period"]

Can you please insert those into the spreadsheet?



*** Lesen. Hören. Wissen. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek *** 
Dr. Lars G. Svensson
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Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2015 16:18:14 UTC