Re: submission case

For archive:
This was answered on the group's mailing list

@Erwin, please let us know if you have further comments.

On 10/03/2015 21:00, Folmer, Erwin wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to submit the following case:
> The European INSPIRE directive leads to the availability of many datasets with geographical aspects. Unfortunately the burden for data providers to comply with INSPIRE is high, which leads to the potential danger that the means (INSPIRE) becomes more important than the end (to have interoperable data). For many data providers the sole purpose is to state that they are INSPIRE compliant. This limited but understandable approach of data providers results in potential users being overlooked. Implementations of more user-friendly web-related solutions will be very difficult and limited in the next few years, unless we find a (documented, proven and accepted) way to comply with INSPIRE by using web standards (Linked Data).
> The Dutch Cadastre is a major provider of INSPIRE data in the Netherlands. It also maintains the portal PDOK<>, a central facility for making INSPIRE-compliant geographical data available in the Netherlands.
> Let me know if you need further information and how to proceed.
> Erwin Folmer
> Kadaster
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Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Thursday, 30 April 2015 08:07:44 UTC