Re: Introductions


I'm Paul Hermans of ProXML with a long history in SGML/XML and more recently the semweb stuff.

I'm involved for the moment in trying to integrate 52 life sciences LOD datasets.
It is already a rather unrealistic scenario to load these datasets into one repository once, 
not trying to think how to manage updates in the source datasets later on.

SDShare seems to fit this use case; hence my interest and willingness to participate.


On 09 Oct 2012, at 15:40, Lars Marius Garshol <> wrote:

> * Graham Moore
>> I can start…
> I can follow... :-)
> Like Graham I originally come from the Topic Maps world, and like him I used to be editor of the ISO Topic Maps standard. I also used to be Development Manager and CTO of Ontopia, a company that sold Topic Maps software.
> My employer, Bouvet, started a department for consulting on semantics and search a couple of years ago, and since then we've done a number of projects that do information integration using SDShare and RDF (and sometimes also search engines).
> Having used it for real for a while now we feel this is a technology that fills a real hole in the current set of RDF specs, and are really quite keen to see it get wider adoption and more attention.
> Looking forward to working with you all.
> --Lars M.

Kind Regards,
Paul Hermans

ProXML bvba
XML and OWL/RDF services
(b) experiences and opinions
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Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2012 13:51:46 UTC