Re: [geometry] DOMRectList with legacy

On Jul 21, 2014, at 8:18 PM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:

> From: Dirk Schulze [] 
>> I made the changes to the specification. You can find it here:
>> Anne, Domenic, Ms2ger, please reply if you agree that your concerns have been addressed.
> I would prefer to change the name, or perhaps use "MUST NOT" instead of "strongly advised not" in the orange box. But neither of these is that important compared to the [NoInterfaceObject, ArrayClass], which is great. Thanks!

We can not use “MUST NOT” because then no interface can use it at all — not even getClientsRect() :). “SHOULD NOT” is the right technical term though. Are you fine with that?


Received on Monday, 21 July 2014 19:04:41 UTC