Re: Associating new objects with globals: how to best do it?

Just noting that some of the ES7 proposals (e.g., WeakRefs) will require
all objects (e.g., that can be pointed to weakly) to be associated with a

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock

> On Feb 25, 2014, at 9:45 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> > Bobby and I were just discussing how newly created objects are (or
> rather should be) associated with globals.
> I believe by "globals" you mean what the ES6 spec. calls a Realm.  A Realm
> is more than just a global object.  It is all of the the state, including
> built-in objects that don't have global name bindings, that from a complete
> self-contained ES execution environment. The concept of Realms or even
> multiple global objects was never addressed in ECMAScript specifications
> prior to ES6.
> >
> > Here's the situation as I currently understand it:
> >
> > 1)  Every newly object is, generally speaking, associated with a global
> by default via its proto chain.  I realize script can munge those proto
> chains (e.g. by making Node.prototype.__proto__ in one window be
> EventTarget.prototype from another window); I'm talking about the default
> behavior.
> Strictly speaking, ordinary non-function objects aren't associated with a
> specific Realms. The ES spec. does not require any sort of explicit pointer
> or tag on such objects that associate them with a specific Realm.  However,
> most built-in objects are created in support of some Realm and there is a
> explicit association from the Realm to those objects.  For example, each
> Realm has its own Object.prototype object and a Object constructor function
> that was created specifically for that Realm. When an Object constructor
> creates a new object it always sets the [[Prototyope]] of the new object to
> the Object.prototype object from the same Realm as the constructor.
> In the ES specification, only function objects have a direct association
> (a pointer or tag) from the object to a specific Realm.
> The fact that some object, X., has an object  P (say Object.prototype) on
> this prototype chain and P is (directly or implicitly) associated with Ream
> R1 does not mean that X is associated with R1.  The prototype chain of X
> might contain several objects, each associated with a different Realm and
> none of them effects the Realm association (if any) of X.
> >
> > 2)  Every function is associated with some global; in ES6 this is
> formalized by the [[Realm]] internal slot of functions, from which a global
> is reachable.
> Yes, but as mentioned above, a Realm association implies more than just a
> specific global object.
> >
> > 3)  Currently WebIDL requires all objects to explicitly say what global
> they're associated with.  This requirement is observed by pretty much no
> one.
> ok...
> >
> > 4)  In ES6, there is some informal concept of an "ambient global".  For
> example, when a built-in function is called that ambient global is the
> global of the [[Realm]] of that built-in function.  Operations that create
> new objects associate them with the default prototypes of that ambient
> global.  If this is correct, it might be good to formalize this somehow...
> Well, it's not informal and it really isn't ambient.  All function objects
> (both built-in or dynamically created; ECMAScript or "native") are
> associated with a specific Realm at the time of their creation. When a
> function is called, its Realm association becomes the "current Realm" that
> is recorded part of the activation environment for the function.
> Everything that happens within an ECMAscript program happens in the context
> of executing some function (or a global script that is treated as if it was
> a function body) and if a Realm needs to be referenced the Realm
> association of the currently active function environment is used.
> Much of the ECMAScript specification is expressed ising "Abstract
> Operations" that are performed in the course of evaluating ECMAScript code.
>  Abstract operations aren't functions, aren't called as functions and don't
> have function environments.  There may appear to be an ambient Realm that
> is used by such abstraction operations, but really they are just being
> performed as part of whatever function code directly or indirectly
> referenced the abstract operation and if the current Realm needs to be
> referenced it is just the "current Realm" recorded as part of the active
> function environment,
> >
> > Is my understanding correct so far?
> Approximately, subject to the above clarifications.
> >
> > We've talked about some sort of default global-association for WebIDL
> methods and geteters.  Would it make sense to align this with the ES6
> behavior by declaring that if a WebIDL method creates objects it does so in
> the global of the callee function unless something explicitly specifies
> otherwise?
> ES6 requires that every function, including get/set functions have a Realm
> association.
> Just to be clear, when you say "callee" above you mean the WebIDL method
> under discussion.  If so, then what you are describing is consistent with
> the ES6 requirements.  A function that creates a new object normally
> initializes the new object (eg, sets its [[Prototype]]) using the Realm of
> the creating function.
> >
> > So in this case:
> >
> >
> >
> > the return value object would be created in window1, not window2, by
> default?  Same thing for getters, of course.
> yes, assuming that someMethod was originally created in the same Realm as
> window1.  The actual access path has nothing to do it.  EG:
> would still create objects associated with window1.
> >
> > Obviously, some DOM specs would need to go through and explicitly
> specify globals for some objects (e.g. nodes), but the vast majority of
> specs should be able to get away with just not having to say anything.
> >
> > This has the benefit of not needing any extra work for static WebIDL
> methods and getters, which generally ignore their this value entirely at
> the moment...
> >
> > Thoughts?  Did I understand the ES6 behavior we're trying to align with
> correctly?
> I think so.
> Allen


Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:55:40 UTC