Re: How to correctly spec sequences requiring an iterable

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 11/15/13 2:02 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>> Now either jQuery is full of bad API design here, or people actually
>> want APIs like this in some cases...
> This thread died after I sent that, apparently.

Threadkiiller! :-P

I heard crickets because people don't like saying it, but there are bad 
API design patterns in jQuery. I know jQuery folks who agree, and who 
have moved to clean up APIs in need of revision, with compatibility 

> My current plan in WebIDL is to spec sequence<> as follows, with the 
> incoming value as "val":
> 1) If val is not an object, move on to the next union member (or throw
>    an exception if none left).  This allows a union of sequence and
>    string, and is the current behavior of sequences anyway.
> 2) Do iter = Get(val, @@iterator).  ReturnIfAbrupt.
> 3) If the value is not an object or is not callable, move on to the
>    next union member.
> 4) Commit to treating this as a sequence.
> 5) iterator =;
> 6) Walk through with IteratorStep/IteratorValue etc, converting each
>    sequence element before stepping to the next one.
> Does anyone see any obvious problems with that other than the 
> (controversial) object check in step 1?

I think it's fine. Primitive string is not String wrapper, even if both 
are iterable and unobservable (in general; definitely in strict mode) 
wrapping means you can use a primitive string as if it were an object.

Because typeof can distinguish, APIs can and will continue to 
distinguish. Is-a-primitive-string and is-iterable must therefore be 
ordered in one way or the other. I do not see why is-iterable must come 
first, always and everywhere -- and indeed it already does not, in 
extant APIs using WebIDL unions, and in jQuery.

Good or bad API design doesn't quite enter into it at this point.


Received on Monday, 18 November 2013 18:06:44 UTC