Re: Figuring out easier readonly interfaces

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:45:50 +0200, Domenic Denicola  
<> wrote:

> I think some example code helps this discussion. From what I can tell,  
> Mark is concerned about code like this:
> ```js
> if (rect instanceof DOMRectReadOnly) {
>   // ok, it's read only, so only its creator can write it
>   untrustedCode.doSomethingWithRect(rect);
>   // I can assume that rect has not change.
> }
> ```

I think renaming doesn't really do much to ensure that the above situation  
doesn't materialize. If we want to avoid it, it's better to have  
completely separated interfaces.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2013 22:49:05 UTC