Re: E4H and constructing DOMs

2013/3/8 Mike Samuel <>:
> 2013/3/8 Adam Barth <>:
>> tl;dr: No one is disputing that string templates as currently designed
>> are insecure by default and will lead authors to write code filled
>> with XSS vulnerabilities.  I recommend removing string templates for
>> the spec until these security issues are resolved.
> I oppose this on the grounds that it is better than current ad-hoc
> content creation practices, and can lead to a principled solution in a
> way that AST approaches cannot.
>> (Consolidating replies---responses inline.)
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Rick Waldron <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
>>>> Linking to a thousand-line JavaScript library as evidence that string
>>>> template can be used securely pretty much proves my point: it's hard
>>>> to use string templates securely.  That means that most authors won't
>>>> use them securely and will write code that's full of XSS.
>>> I'd like to kindly ask that you stop approaching this conversation as though
>>> browsers and the web are the only client of the EcmaScript specification.
>>> The language serves to provide primitives that can be used to compose higher
>>> level abstractions, eg. DOM APIs with whatever level of security the domain
>>> problem requires.
>> That's a nice strawman, but I'm not approaching this conversation as
>> through browsers were the only clients of ECMAScript.  What I'm saying
>> is that the current design is insecure when used in browsers and
>> because browsers are a large user of ECMAScript, we shouldn't include
>> a language feature that gives web authors a giant security footgun.
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 7:40 PM, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
>>> Hi Ian, this seems a misunderstanding or non-sequitur. Mike and Rick's point
>>> is not to compromise, it is to do something solid and general purpose, to
>>> avoid injection bugs in a variety of DSL scenarios, not just HTML. Even in
>>> the browser, JS is sometimes used to compose SQL that is sent to the server.
>>> It isn't the browser's business to understand SQL, but we can provide a
>>> mechanism that is as useful for SQL, again, without compromise.
>> String templates, as currently designed, are bad for constructing SQL
>> statements too.  When used in their default mode (which is the most
>> common way that authors will use them), they lead to SQL injection
>> vulnerabilities.  Instead, we should use an approach analogous to
>> prepared statements, which are much less likely to lead to SQL
>> injection.
>>> Adam, I think you miss the point of Mike's message rather completely. This
>>> thousand line JS library has to be done for HTML once, not once per usage.
>>> It is complicated because HTML is complicated. And the amount of code
>>> compares quite favorably to the browser's HTML implementation, which is much
>>> more security critical than this. In any case, if the HTML quasi-parser is
>>> provided by the browser platform as standard equipment, it can probably
>>> reuse some of the browser's existing mechanisms, to help keep these two HTML
>>> systems in sync.
>> It doesn't matter how many times the library needs to be authored or
>> by whom.  If we need a thousand lines of JavaScript to compensante for
>> the by-design insecurity of string templates, then we've failed as
>> language designers.  Instead, ECMAScript should have a templating
>> system that is secure-by-design and by default instead of
>> insecure-by-design-and-default-but-can-be-patched-with-a-thousand-line-library.
> You simply do not have the power to force people to write secure code by fiat.
> JavaScript will have string concatenation via the (+) operator
> regardless of whether string templates are in the language or not and
> whether or not E4H or some other AST approach were speced and ready to
> ship.
> A language feature only contributes to security if it's used instead
> of insecure methods.
> If we are, as I believe we both want to, make a dent in the morass of
> XSS produced by the PHP set then we need
> 1. something that is easy to migrate to from ad-hoc approaches,
> preferably piecemeal.
> 2. something that can provide provable guarantees
> 3. something that is syntactically more attractive (e.g. due to
> expressiveness, succinctness)
>>> As for whether the output of the HTML quasi-parser is an AST or an encoded
>>> string, that is up to the quasi-parser designer. The quasi-literals in E
>>> generally generated ASTs. Mike convinced me he can generate encoded strings
>>> directly as safely and faster, if the point is to eventually produce an
>>> encoded string. I'm happy either way. Both decisions are perfectly
>>> compatible with the design on quasis, er, template strings, as speced in
>>> draft ES6.
>> That's nice, but the default mode for string templates works for HTML
>> but is insecure.  That means authors will write code filled with XSS
>> because they'll just use the default mode.
> Unless the default mode can be overridden within a scope via a single
> line of code.
> I have experience with changing the semantics of a template language
> with a large extant codebase (Google+) to use contextual
> auto-escaping.
>> What you've written in this paragraph is even more scary.  You're
>> saying that string templates are so poorly designed that they guided
>> you, a world-renowned security expert, into using an extremely complex
>> (and therefore unlikely to be secure) design.  Surely authors who are
>> not world-renowned security experts will fare even worse.
> That you have not made an effort to understand the approach does not
> mean that it is "extremely complex" but even if you did engage with
> our actual arguments, this would still be wrong.
> Any AST approach that is going to work is going to similarly require
> encoders if it is to do any of the following:
> 1. Handle embedded content without rewriting the DOM to not use DOMString

I should point out that no AST approach baked into the browser can
comprehensively handle embedded content  because of the way
translation hooks (
) work so this idea of baking an AST approach into the browser is
either unsecurable or drastically limits the future evolution of the

> 2. Allow content to be serialized for storage or cross-frame communication.
> 3. Be usable in the absence of a browser.
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Mike Samuel <> wrote:
>>>> That doesn't apply since this is not parsing, it is lexing, and
>>>> regular expressions can be used to lex HTML.
>>> Actually, no you can't. For example the lexing of contents of <script>
>>> elements is quite complex.
>> It's mathematically impossible.  You need a stack to keep track of the
>> foreign content mode (i.e., whether we're tokenizing HTML, SVG, or
>> MathML).  Without that information, you can't tell who the tokenizer
>> will parse apparent CDATA sections.
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Mike Samuel <> wrote:
>>> I talk about different kinds of developers (library authors,
>>> application authors) writing code and you say things that suggest to
>>> me that you think the bulk of web developers are going to be writing
>>> large amounts of security-critical code.
>>> In your view, who is writing what code with the string templates approach?
>> It doesn't matter who writes the thousand-line library.  The fact that
>> you need a thousand-line library to use string templates securely
>> (even assuming that the library is correct!) demonstrates that the
>> design itself is insecure and should not be part of ECMAScript.
>> Instead, we should design a templating system that doesn't need a
>> thousand-line library to be used securely.
> Why should we deploy such a secure templating system as part of the
> language and not as a library?
> What if we spec something secure and get it wrong?
> What you keep calling a 1k line library is a strawman too.  You ignore
> that I am actually advocating a grammar-driven approach.  You can
> dismiss that without taking the effort to understand it, but you
> cannot do that and claim that an insecurable AST approach is
> preferable to it.
>>> Under the AST model, who is writing what code?  What portion of an AST
>>> approach needs to involve spec-producing committees?
>> I'm not advocating E4H, but as an example, in E4H no one needs to
>> write a thousand-line library.  The spec itself is two printed pages:
>> I'm not claiming that E4H is secure is all cases.  I'm just claiming
>> that the "hello, world" template is secure by default.  For string
>> templates, the "hello, world" template is XSS.
> E4H is simple and wrong.  It does not deal with embedded languages.
> It also is not a good migration target for existing code.
>>> What is your exemplar of the AST model (if not Yesod) and what is your
>>> plan to cause the bulk of web programmers to do things using an AST
>>> approach instead of using ad-hoc string approaches?
>> Personally, my favorite AST-style template system is Haml because the
>> templates themselves are beautiful.  I don't think we should include
>> Haml in EMCAScript as-such because Haml has a bunch of Ruby-ism (e.g.,
>> self-quoting strings for attribute names).  I believe we could come up
>> with something similar to Haml that felt like a natural extension of
>> ECMAScript.
>> The above paragraph is somewhat off topic.  At the moment, I'm arguing
>> that we should remove string templates from the spec because they are
>> insecure.  Once we do that, we can have a discussion about what to
>> replace them with.  (I imagine that discussion will take a fair bit of
>> time since there are many details that people will want to bikeshed.)
> My argument is that we need to produce minimal language extension
> points to allow experimentation by security researchers.
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>>> I thought that one of the points with quasis was that they would allow the
>>> above to be interpreted such that firstName and lastName was inserted as
>>> text content. I.e. the quasi handler could avoid parsing the contents of
>>> those values as HTML and instead just inset them as text content.
>> In my example, I used string templates (aka quasis) in their default
>> mode, which is insecure, hence my claim that string templates are
>> insecure by default.  Mike Samuel claims that he has written a
>> safeHTML quasis handler, which takes about a thousand lines of
>> JavaScript, hence my claim that string templates are difficult to use
>> securely.
>>> This would mean that the HTML quasi would by default be resilient against
>>> HTML-injection.
>> Even if we had a secure HTML quasi handler, the HTML quasi handler
>> would not be the default handler.  That means the templating system is
>> insecure by default.
>>> To supplement this behavior we could allow the quasi to take special values
>>> which would be passed to the HTML parser "like normal" and thus be parsed.
>>> I.e. something like
>>> HTML`<h1>Welcome ${ asUnsafeHTML(firstName) } ${ lastName }!</h1>`
>>> In this case the asUnsafeHTML function would return an object which was
>>> recognized by the HTML quasi as "should be parsed" and would contain a
>>> property which holds the string value passed in the first argument.
>>> Since no parsing would take effect at the asUnsafeHTML callsite, and instead
>>> would happen while the rest of the quasi was parsed, all of the normal
>>> contextual parsing rules would apply.
>>> This way the quasi should by default be as safe as an AST template system,
>>> while allowing the page to opt in to more feature full, less safe
>>> templating.
>>> We could even provide functions like asSafeHTML which would trigger the
>>> quasi to parse that piece of content using rules that prevent only "safe"
>>> elements.
>> None of the above solves the problem that string templates as
>> currently designed are insecure by default and will lead authors to
>> write code filled with XSS vulnerabilities.
>> Adam

Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 21:29:00 UTC