Re: [Bug 17508] Let enum lists end with a comma

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
> David Sheets wrote:
>> This argument has convinced the C, ECMAScript, Python, Ruby, OCaml,
>> and other language communities to mandate fatal errors on trailing
>> delimiters. Developers in these languages and targeting these
>> languages enjoy these pointless fatal errors.
> There is no such error for JS (ECMAScript), for arrays literals:
> js> a = [1,
> 2,
> 3,
> ];
> [1, 2, 3]
> I agree with you these are pointless. It isn't just the auto-generated list
> use-case that suffers. Manually maintained lists and version control of same
> using line-based diff also pay a small ongoing price.
> I was sad back in the day when (ANSI?) C standardized against optional
> trailing comma in enum. I fought hard for optional trailing comma in array
> initialisers in JS.

I believe David was being sarcastic, as all of those languages (well,
I don't know OCaml and couldn't quickly verify, but the rest
definitely) allow trailing commas in the relevant forms.


Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 22:25:42 UTC