Re: [Bug 16450] Class String

On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 22:51, ( wrote:

> I don't believe there is a way to expose arbitrary internal properties from ES5
> objects.

Sure there is:  

I'm not really asking to get at arbitrary internal properties, just a very specific one that is defined by WebIDL…  

Having said that, I guess it might be complicated because this would need to be added for all existing objects with a fairly weak use case.  
> I define the class string solely to avoid redefining [[Class]], to make it
> possible for pure JS implementations to have Object.prototype.toString behave
> appropriately. I think at some point ECMAScript is going to gain an internal
> property like this, but I don't think they have done so yet. When they do, we
> can rewrite Web IDL to use that rather having the "class string" definition.

> I don't think it makes sense to have all platform objects return "[object
> Platform]".

I agree. To be clear, that was not what I was asking for. What I was suggesting was that a WebIDL user agent might support something like:  

//returns true or false  

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2012 01:34:49 UTC