Re: Non-constructible constructors and Arrays

On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> On 3/08/11 4:04 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> Well, it's inherent in the ES specification's algorithm for each
>> method whether or not it mutates its this value.  We might consider
>> adding a non-normative note that further identifies such methods as
>> mutating or non-mutating but that doesn't really add any additional
>> information that isn't already available to browser implementors.
> It's probably "obvious" in some sense, but it's the kind of thing I don't really like to leave open to interpretation.

I won't argue one way or another about obviousness, but the ES51 spec is certainly precise WRT which of these methods mutate and which don't. There is no room for interpretation but of course erroneous readings are always possible.


Received on Wednesday, 3 August 2011 16:51:43 UTC