[WebIDL] Static Attributes and Operations

Hi all,

once again I need some clarification on a certain expression, which I can
neither find in the WebIDL Spec nor in the public ML archive. I am writing a
spec that needs static attributes/operations, like for example in:

interface Boolean {
  Boolean valueOf(in boolean value); // <- this should be "static"

// With the above IDL both (1) and (2) would be possible?!
// (1) static
var x = Boolean.valueOf(true);
// (2) non-static
var bool = new Boolean();
var x = bool.valueOf(true);

Question: How can I specify an attribute or operation being static? In my
understanding static or non-static makes a big difference and should
therefore be taken into account.

Best Regards
Steffen Krüssel

Received on Friday, 13 November 2009 13:36:26 UTC