html for scholarly communication: RASH, Scholarly HTML or Dokieli?

at Fidus Writer [1] we are about ready to convert from our basic HTML
exporter to one of the standards. As I understand it, there are currently
three standards out there that more or less aim to do the same thing: RASH
[2], Scholarly HTML [3], and Dokieli [4]. We had thought we would go for
Scholarly HTML, but now I am not sure if it is being maintained at all any
more. Is there a reason why we have three different formats for this? Are
we moving toward just one, or do they have different purposes?

Also, I see that RASH and Dokieli allow metadata to be added in a variety
of different formats. I wonder if one of the ways is the recommended way to
ensure that other tools can work with the data later on?


Johannes Wilm
tel: +1 (520) 399 8880

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 08:52:25 UTC