Re: human language oriented datetime standard

Sorry, but...what problem are you trying to solve ?

The reason for ISO 8606 standards in the first improve
interoperability and avoid confusion between a human and a human, or a
machine and a human, or all. already supports simple TEXT on any property, regardless if it
is stated or not, and does not prevent you from expressing as much or as
little as you like about a Date.

Your scenario seems like those of others before you, where you could have
your server code or javascript take a DATE from your database or backend
system and just convert that to a TEXT type and populate it. allows you to say, if you want:

"doorTime": "tomorrow"

instead of

"doorTime": "2018-06-30T15:38:51Z"

You are also not prevented from providing BOTH forms, when and where you
need to provide Machines and Humans what they need for understanding.

The reason to use a Machine Readable standard rather than Human Readable
no-standard, is to improve understanding by the rest of the world who could
know exactly when your "tomorrow" is.


Received on Saturday, 30 June 2018 17:29:30 UTC