Re: and OWL


Watch out for uppercase/lowercase :

<owl:class> must be <owl:Class>
<owl:unionof> must be <owl:unionOf>
<owl:objectproperty> must be <owl:ObjectProperty>
<owl:datatypeProperty> must be <owl:datatypeProperty> (only 2 of them ?
exchangeRate and interactionCount - strange)
namedindividual must be NamedIndividual
rdf:description must be rdf:Description
"rdf:Description rdf:resource=" must be "rdf:Description rdf:about="

Why is "" subclassOf rdfs:Class ? It seems it
should be somehow connected to schema:Boolean, etc, but it is not.

<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="rdfs:label"/> : you can't use a QNAME
here, it must be the full URI of rdfs:label

additionalType subPropertyOf rdf:type : looks surprising to me;

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="">
        <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/> : SDO really have a property
from the core defined as a subproperty from a property in an extension ?!

2018-06-06 14:05 GMT+02:00 Richard Wallis <>:

> Calling folks with more OWL experience than me!
> The site has an OWL definition file that has not been
> maintained since April 2014: Also
> the structure and syntax of the file needs some attention.
> To help with the occasional questions about accessing processable
> representations of the vocabulary; to attempt to close an issue (#1611
> <>); and to help with a
> personal project, I have had a look at producing an up to date, improved,
> maintainable version of the file.
> My first attempt can be downloaded/viewed here: https://s3.amazonaws.
> com/rjwPublicData/public/schemaorg.owl
> I am looking for comments, suggestions, and help around a few aspects of
> this work in progress:
>    - Is it generally ‘a good owl file’
>    - Should it contain more/less info about the vocabulary and its terms
>    - Specifically with reference to domainIncludes and rangeInclude -
>    mapped to rdfs:domain & rdfs:range with owl:unionOf collections:
>    - Is this the best/only way to represent multiple domain & ranges for
>       an objectproperty?
> The only I know of, I would love to know alternatives.

>    -
>       - Have I got the syntax correct?
>       - Several people use Protégé <> as a
>    tool for this kind of effort - I am trying to identify what syntax, will
>    enable this tool to recognise the multiple domain/ranges when importing
>    this file.
I can confirm that, after fixing the lowercase/uppercase error, the file
can be opened in Protégé, with class Unions properly displayed.


> If anyone out there with more OWL experience than me (not difficult),
> could spend a few minutes taking a look at this and commenting, it would be
> greatly appreciated.
> ~Richard
> Richard Wallis
> Founder, Data Liberate
> Linkedin:
> Twitter: @rjw


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Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2018 12:46:18 UTC