Re: Additions to

Thank you Martin for this great exposition.
I think many of my list can fall into some abstract type, and will use the
additionalType URL if I find any.
Will let you all know if I struggled finding a fit to any item.

Thank you all
Pavly Mikhael

On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 3:15 PM Mark Chipman <> wrote:

> Many thanks.
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 1:14 PM Martin Hepp <> wrote:
>> Official extensions mitigate this only at a code-management level,
>> because the definitions are kept in a separate folder, but they still clog
>> the main namespace (more or less). External extensions are possible, but
>> easily confusing, likely to introduce inconsistencies and redundancies
>> (because they do not pass a rigorous core community review).
>> If the aim is more to be able to express more granular data for general
>> purposes while providing for mainstream search engines, then
>> an external vocabulary, independent from (maybe adhering to
>> its meta-model), is IMO the best way. An then use multi-typed entities to
>> use your additional elements.
>> Best wishes
>> Martin
>> -----------------------------------
>> martin hepp
>>          @mfhepp
>> > On 09 Aug 2018, at 20:59, Mark Chipman <> wrote:
>> >
>> > I thought stuff like this is why extensions to exist in the
>> first place.  Shouldn't topics like this exist as an extension rather than
>> polluting the schema with everything under the sun?  Can someone verify
>> this if I'm not mistaken.  Thanks.
>> >
>> > Mark
>> >
>> > On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 12:31 PM Martin Hepp <> wrote:
>> > Hi Pavly, all possible contributors:
>> > Thanks for your proposals!
>> > I think it is important to explain that the community is
>> generally conservative about adding new elements, because new elements come
>> at a cost: They make the vocabulary more difficult to learn, use, and
>> manage, and they increase the risk of unintended side-effects, like the
>> duplication of alternative elements that are similar to existing ones.
>> >
>> > As a general guideline, we need more specific subtypes only
>> >
>> > - if there are, or are likely, applications by major consumers of the
>> data that will need the additional specificity, i.e. that will handle
>> entity data differently based on the specific type. For instance "Parking
>> Lot" and "Amusement Park" as subtypes of "Place" are needed only if e.g.
>> Google would display them differently or if they require additional
>> properties that will be weird at a more abstract type. But in general, we
>> rather put properties one level higher in the type hierarchy rather than
>> adding a subtype only for having a proper place for a property. Otherwise,
>> it will be perfectly fine to use abstract types like "Place" or even
>> "Thing". And then there is always the additionalType property and support
>> for multi-typed entities with external vocabularies;
>> >
>> > - if the distinction can be expected to be easily populated, e.g.
>> because it matches database schemas or HTML templates of many sites;
>> >
>> > AND
>> >
>> > - if the distinction cannot be easily reconstructed from other data
>> sources. For instance, we added a mechanism for EXIF meta-data when we
>> added the PropertyValue mechanism:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This was arguably not really needed, because a search engine parsing
>> the image data can also extract the same meta-data therefrom.
>> >
>> > This is an edge-case, but I hope you get the idea. Other examples are
>> pieces of information or meta-data that is readily available from HTTP
>> protocol meta-data or the HTML DOM tree. The latter is again arguable,
>> because we might want to have elements in that can be
>> reconstructed from HTML, but not from data in other syntaxes.
>> >
>> > I hope this is helpful.
>> >
>> > Best wishes
>> > Martin Hepp
>> >
>> > -----------------------------------
>> > martin hepp
>> >          @mfhepp
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > On 09 Aug 2018, at 19:11, Pavly Mikhael <> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Thanks for getting back to me.
>> > > If can combine with, that would be great.
>> > > Meanwhile, I would much appreciate if you guys can add at least the
>> following:
>> > >
>> > > OrthodoxChurch (Wiki refers to this as Eastern Orthodox Church),
>> maybe you can name this 'EasternOrthodoxChurch'
>> > > OrientalOrthodoxChurch (, which
>> is different from Eastern Orthodox Church
>> > > Biography
>> > > Excerpt
>> > > Quote
>> > > Lyric
>> > > Song
>> > > EthnicGroup
>> > > SaintIcon
>> > > ChurchRite
>> > >
>> > > Notes:
>> > >       • OrientalOrthodoxChurch will be relevant to our Coptic
>> Orthodox Church.
>> > >       • The ones in red were not in my original list.
>> > > I will be glad to help if you guys need.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks again and have a great one!
>> > > Pavly Mikhael
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 12:19 PM Dan Brickley <>
>> wrote:
>> > > That is quite some list! If we went into such detail (and we won't)
>> we would be as big as Wikipedia. And in fact Wikipedia have their own
>> "knowledge graph" called that does go into many of these
>> details. We are working out ways of combining it with
>> > >
>> > > That said, you are correct in particular to remind us that
>> has dedicated subtypes for a few
>> religions. Perhaps an additionalType property with
>>  as its value would be a good fit?
>> > >
>> > > Dan
>> > >
>> > > On Thu, 9 Aug 2018, 08:45 Pavly Mikhael, <> wrote:
>> > > Hello Everyone,
>> > >
>> > > I'm trying to create structured data for our church website and was
>> looking for the following vocabulary in and could not find
>> any of them:
>> > >
>> > > Nonprofit (Can be added under Organization)
>> > > History
>> > > HistoryOfCopticOrthodoxChurchOfAlexandria (Can be added under History)
>> > > OrientalOrthodox
>> > > OrthodoxChurch (Can be added under PlaceOfWorship)
>> > > CopticOrthodoxChurchOfAlexandria (Can be added under OrientalOrthodox)
>> > > Archdiocese
>> > > Diocese
>> > > Bishopric
>> > > Monastery
>> > > Monasticism
>> > > Seminary
>> > > Coptic (Can be added under Language)
>> > > Religion
>> > > Christianity (Can be added under Religion)
>> > > Group
>> > > EthnoreligiousGroup (Can be added under Group)
>> > > Copts (Can be added under EthnoreligiousGroup)
>> > > EthnicGroup
>> > > Christian
>> > > Icon
>> > > SaintIcon (Can be added under Icon)
>> > > CanonicalBook (Can be added under Book)
>> > > LiturgicalBook (Can be added under Book)
>> > > PrayerBook (Can be added under Book)
>> > > Bible (Can be added under Book)
>> > > BibleBook (Can be added under Bible)
>> > > Chapter (Can be added under Bible)
>> > > Verse (Can be added under Bible)
>> > > Apostle (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Deacon (Can be added under Person)
>> > > SubDeacon (Can be added under Deacon)
>> > > Reader (Can be added under Deacon)
>> > > Chanter (Can be added under Deacon)
>> > > Archdeacon (Can be added under Deacon)
>> > > Cantor (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Clergy (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Priest (Can be added under Clergy)
>> > > Hegomen (Can be added under Clergy)
>> > > Bishop (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Metropolitan (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Pope (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Layman (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Monk (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Nun (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Saint (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Martyr (Can be added under Person)
>> > > ChurchFathers (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Prophet (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Prophecy
>> > > Biography
>> > > Council
>> > > Heresy
>> > > Faith
>> > > Belief
>> > > Doctrine
>> > > Tradition
>> > > Ministry
>> > > Missionary (Can be added under Person)
>> > > Spiritual
>> > > SpiritualBeing
>> > > Angel (Can be added under SpiritualBeing)
>> > > ArchAngel (Can be added under SpiritualBeing)
>> > > ChurchRite
>> > > Dogma
>> > > ChurchHymn
>> > > ChurchChoir
>> > > Song
>> > > SpiritualSong (Can be added under Song)
>> > > Praise (Can be added under Song)
>> > > Prayer
>> > > Psalm
>> > > Fast
>> > > Feast
>> > > Sacrament
>> > > Theology
>> > > Liturgy
>> > >
>> > > Can you please add these if possible.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks and have a great one!
>> > > Pavly Mikhael
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > - Mark
> --
> - Mark

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2018 20:31:29 UTC