Re: validThrough and validUntil

I didn't even realize that validUntil was Date only and not DateTime !  So
in that case it is a no-brainer.  And I recant keeping both, and instead
vote to keep validThrough.

I don't deal with Permits, only Contracts... so I won't suffer. :)

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:27 AM Martin Hepp <> wrote:

> I have no strong opinion about this, but my quick guess ist that
> validThrough can do the job in most or all cases thanks to the possibility
> to indicate the exact point in time up to fractions of a second that is
> included. ISO 8601 puts no limit on the number of digits for indicating
> fractions of a second, so
>     2018-04-05T12:30.31415926536Z
> is perfectly valid (comma and decimal dot are valid as a separator, btw).
> You can even specify that a credit card expired exactly with the end of
> the last leap second ("60" is used to denote a leap second in ISO8601):
>     2016-12-31T23:59:60
> (See for details on leap
> seconds.)
> It's likely that not all systems consuming support the entire
> power of ISO8601, but I think this shows that we can likely get away with
> just validThrough.
> Best wishes
> Martin
> -----------------------------------
> martin hepp
>          @mfhepp
> --

+ThadGuidry <>

Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2018 13:35:48 UTC