Re: v3.3 release candidate for review

I wholeheartedly agree on more sensible Types... and introducing less
blurry properties.

That practice would also make for easier mapping to Wikidata and in general
lots of Linked Data sets.  As it is, my mind has to do backbends (and crazy
advanced searching in Wikidata to find the needles in the haystacks)
sometimes just to support some of these new properties against Wikidata.

+ThadGuidry <>

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 1:07 PM R.V.Guha <> wrote:

> I agree. I prefer types
> On May 22, 2017 10:55 AM, "Vicki Tardif Holland" <>
> wrote:
> We should figure out a principled approach to boolean properties. I am not
> a fan of them as they create a secondary type system (publicAccess could
> also be PublicPlace), but because they are not actually types, you cannot
> add properties to them. For example, you cannot say when the public access
> hours are if they differ from other hours.
> With that said, it is probably not worth holding up the release.
> Otherwise, LGTM.
> - Vicki

Received on Monday, 22 May 2017 18:55:06 UTC