Legislation : proposed extension

Dear all

This is an "official" submission for an extension to schema.org for
describing Legislation. The extension is visible at
http://legislation.eli-legislation-schemaorg.appspot.com/Legislation and
has been submitted in Github
https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/1156. Background information
on the proposal is given below.

We would love to get feedback from the community on this proposal. Our
ideal objective is to have this integrated as a hosted extension, or even
maybe in the core vocabulary for part of what is being proposed (like the
type "Legislation"). So please do let me know if this needs to be
"repackaged" as a pull request, or using the new "pending" mechanism, or in
any other way to move toward a hosted extension to describe legislation.

Best Regards

*What the extension covers : Legislation*

This extension proposes to extend the type "CreativeWork" with a subtype
"Legislation" and associated properties (20+) to describe Legislation,
especially legislation links (changes, cites, consolidates, etc.), dates
(date of signature or adoption, date of entry into force, date no longer in
force), relevant area, and more.
The extension also proposes to extend the type "MediaObject" with a subtype
"LegislationObject" to accomodate with the use-case of distinguishing the
legal value of a specific legislation file : a digitally signed PDF has a
stronger legal value than its HTML counterpart.

*Where does it come from : ELI Taskforce*

ELI (European Legislation Identifier) is an initiative of some national
legislation publishers endorsed by EU countries and institutions to
encourage the dissemination of structured metadata of legislation. The goal
is to facilitate legislation access, reuse, and linking, by leveraging web
of data technologies.
ELI development is driven by a taskforce with representatives of the
official legal publishers of the following member states :

   - Denmark (https://www.retsinformation.dk/)
   - UK (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/)
   - France (https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/)
   - Luxembourg (http://www.legilux.public.lu/)
   - Italy (http://gazettaufficiale.it/)
   - Ireland (http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/)
   - Finland (http://finlex.fi/en/, http://data.finlex.fi/)
   - Office of Publications of the European Union (http://eur-lex.europa.eu)

For more information, see the ELI register
<http://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli-register/about.html>. ELI has already defined
an ontology to describe legislation with a common vocabulary :
http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/eli/. Official publishers of the above
countries have agreed on this ontology and are already publishing RDFa
metadata based on it. The proposed schema.org extension is derived from
this model.


*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
blog : blog.sparna.fr, site : sparna.fr, linkedin :
tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 10:40:26 UTC