Re: proposal just for article

Karen, Dan, et al.,

I really like this latest article proposal. I like having the ability to
say that I'm marking up a citation, that it's part of this publication, and
also express something about enumeration. It provides a usable mechanism to
do so without modeling the particular issuance / volume / issue /
collection / aggregation / container / whatever, but also doesn't preclude
(or contradict) alternate representations that might put the volume and
issue at a container level entity.

I wish to apologize for the combative tone in my earlier email to Karen,
particularly given that I don't have the time to put in the hard work
hashing out the details of how to reconcile and render compatible the 3 or
4 (or 5?) different proposals on the table. I really don't think they're
that far apart. I wish I had more bandwidth to work on it.

Given that I don't I believe it's probably best that I back out of the
conversation now and not join tomorrow's call.

Regrets for that, and thank you all for the work you've put in on this.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:

> I have done a new (and probably my last) proposal that only covers article
> markup, leaving aside the description of periodicals qua periodicals and
> any information about volumes and issues except for the numbering needed to
> locate the article.
> You can add any alternatives you prefer to this proposal, or make other
> proposals if you see this differently.
> kc
> --
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

Corey A Harper
Metadata Services Librarian
New York University Libraries
20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003-7112

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 00:17:49 UTC