Re: Recording of November meeting now on line

I find it really helps to listen to the recording -- it's easier to 
think about things when they aren't live. I just got to the part about 
"hasAdaption" and I'm wondering if we can't find something that plays on 
the expression "adaptive technology" with "adaptive" being the clue that 
this is about accessibility. I also note that they use both "hasA.." and 
"isA..Of" which is generally discouraged in schema. So perhaps something 

adaptiveVersion ?

Not great, I know, but it avoids the word "adaption." It basically uses 
the adjective rather than the noun, the latter being what overlaps with 
scholarly use.


On 12/2/13 6:31 AM, Wallis,Richard wrote:
> Eventually, I have had time and networking to get the recording an chat transcript of the November meeting up on line - sorry for the delay.
> I was at the Semantic Web In Libraries (#swib13) conference in Hamburg last week - an excellent conference, contrasted by the lack of bandwidth of the wifi in my hotel!
> I have as agreed reorganised the December meeting to Wednesday 11th.
> Now all I have to do is catch up with the 70+ unread emails in my SchemaBibEx folder to see if everyone else has solved all the article issues whilst I’ve been off-line ;-)
> ~Richard

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 2 December 2013 15:47:51 UTC