Ideas for a possible framework

(Apologies for cross posting / over posting)

Hi, I'm currently a software student and developer. Since I've meet
semantic related technologies development about twelve years ago I've been
revolving with the idea that a framework could be built that could ease
building semantic business applications as they are frameworks for Java and
relational databases.

A lot of time passed. Now many big players offer solutions that somehow
rely on semantics for their work. And although this could seem strange,
here in Buenos Aires I couldn't find anyone really interested in the area,
being in academia or places I've worked in.

So, having no one to share my thoughts with, I'm frequently publishing
documents to this list(s) hoping for some kind of peer's feedback. Sorry if
this aren't the right lists or I'm off topic. I send my attachment as a PDF
document. Anyone willing to comment in the original just ask me for the
Google Docs link.

Note: I've sent this draft before but in a very early version state. I
invite anyone interested in reading to see the last section (Dashboards).
Maybe I'm wrong but I think there is a lot of innovation that may be done
regarding that subject (sorry for the poor diagrams :--)

Best Regards,
Sebastián Samaruga.

Received on Saturday, 1 October 2016 03:23:50 UTC