script to post to cimba

this is good!..for the "CURL LDP users guide" alongside

> USER_AGENT='User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/39.0.2171.65 Chrome/39.0.2171.65 Safari/537.36'

any reason you are simulating this? surely Gold doesnt care about the user's agent so long as it follows the protocol

> ACL=$(echo  $LOC | sed 's/^\(.*\)\/\(.*\)/\1\/.acl.\2/'  )

the resource points to its ACL URI explicitly, in a Link rel=acl header. not all LDP servers will fit this regex..

> <>
> <>
>  a <>

LDP says Container POSTs are an optional feature, but

implicit-triples are something they might support

server knows what time it is, who is posting (thanks to WebID auth), and if your container is a sioc:Blog, it knows and could even be constrainted to only creating sioc:Post inside

so it could fill in these triples if theyre ommited, requiring the POSTed content to only have the sioc:content triple..

Received on Sunday, 1 February 2015 19:39:41 UTC