Re: idea for a webscale app

On 11 March 2012 at 19:34, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:

> Spam is a problem on the Web.  More and more often robots will spam or
> even take down a site if not controlled.  The CAPTCHA was invented to solve
> this.  Most people agree that CAPTCHA's are annoying.
> However, the question is why should you solve a CAPTCHA for every site you
> sign in to?
> Imagine a world were you only ever needed to solve one puzzle to be
> verified as human.  Or one where every puzzle that you solved was added to
> your credentials as a user.
> Why not make an app that simply lets you login and lets you solve a
> captcha.  For every one you solve it goes on the public record (open world
> assumption).
> Then when logging into a new site you need not be challenged again.
> In fact this can be the part of your digital reputation and later on you
> can tag more and more valuable achievements onto your online identity.
> No longer do you have to start from zero on every site you log into.
> You start to grow your digital footprint, and more and more reputation
> items.  Who knows, one day you may be able to add your academic
> achievements or qualifications to a list.
> Some people have letters added to their name, maybe in the future the Web
> can be a source and showcase of your achievements, both digital and human!

Looks like google have now implemented something quite similar :)

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 16:44:31 UTC