Fwd: Yandex Testing Tool supports JSON-LD


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Shubin <ajax@yandex-team.ru>
Date: 2 December 2013 14:47
Subject: Yandex Testing Tool supports JSON-LD
To: "public-vocabs@w3.org" <public-vocabs@w3.org>

Hi all,

I'm happy to say that Yandex has added JSON-LD support to its markup
validator. You're welcome to check it here:

Our main goal is to provide webmasters with simple and fast tool for
checking markup on the webpages. We've already supported all the popular
syntaxes such as microdata, rdfa-lite and microformats. JSON-LD becomes
more and more popular and is used in different products (e.g.,
Yandex.Islands <http://beta.yandex.com/>, GMail
etc). Together with all schema.org partners we understand our
responsibility to help webmasters with learning new language.

Since our first goal is simplicity we're not so strict in "context"
requirements (unlike great instrument here:
http://json-ld.org/playground/index.html). And we're still looking for
better approach for expanding terms: right now we don't expand them
explicitly in the output.

I'd be happy to hear your feedback and wishes.

P.S. More about Yandex testing tool here:
P.P.S. Pls, take into account that in order to check JSON-LD you need to
put it in <script> tag (since this is how it should be embedded into html).
<script type="application/ld+json">{
  "@type" : "CommunicateAction",
  "instrument" : {
    "@type" : "EmailMessage"

  "handler" : {
    "@type" : "WebHandler",
    "url" : "http://www.example.com/send_email"


Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 21:59:19 UTC