Re: Folding the Trust CG into RWW CG

On 9/25/12 3:01 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 9/25/12 1:55 PM, Nathan wrote:
>> ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
>>> Excerpts from Melvin Carvalho's message of 2012-09-25 15:09:49 +0000:
>>>> I've spoken to Dominik Tomaszuk about the possibility of folding 
>>>> work on
>>>> trust from unctsw (Uncertainty and Trust in the Semantic Web) into the
>>>> read-write web group.
>>>> The reason is that the CG has fallen inactive (no chair, no posts 
>>>> in the
>>>> last 6 months).  In fact the only 2 messages on the mailing list to 
>>>> date
>>>> have been Coralie asking for a chair to be picked and the wiki is 
>>>> empty.
>>>> So far I've had two +1s (dominik and rszeno) for folding unctsw 
>>>> into RWW.
>>>> I do also think that trust will become an important topic for the 
>>>> RWW as
>>>> things mature, so a +1 also from me.
>>>> Given that the other CG is inactive, I suspect conversation will be 
>>>> light,
>>>> and if things pick up significantly we can always split 
>>>> conversation out
>>>> into its own group.
>>>> Please let me know if there's any objections to this, happy to 
>>>> consider
>>>> alternatives.
>>> +1
>>> I would like to see added reference to *Trust* in RWW group 
>>> description :)
>> RWWoT ?
> Nice.
> What about: WWoRT (World Wide Web of Readable Trust) . Then for 
> Melvin, the triangulation to Worth and Wealth gets one step easier :-)

Well, how about: World Web of Reflective Trust.

"A review of trends in employment relations, interdivisional relations, 
and interfirm relations finds evidence suggesting that the effect of 
growing knowledge-intensity may indeed be a trend toward greater 
reliance on trust. There is also reason to believe that the form of 
trust most effective in this context is a distinctively modern 
kind—“reflective trust”—as opposed to traditionalistic, “blind” trust. 
Such a trend to reflective trust appears to threaten the privileges of 
currently dominant social actors, and these actors' resistance, in 
combination with the complex interdependencies between price, authority, 
and trust mechanisms, imparts a halting character to the trend. But the 
momentum of this trend nevertheless appears to be self-reinforcing, 
which suggests that it may ultimately challenge the foundations of our 
capitalist form of society while simultaneously creating the foundations 
of a new, postcapitalist form."

Excerpted from: .

Anyway, just brain dumps as I also like Nathan's initial suggestion.



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2012 19:08:21 UTC