Re: WebID, WebID Protocol definitions and requirements.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Nathan <> wrote:

> Okay. Let's ignore the turtle side of things for now, all the arguments on
> having a single common format supported by all are fairly sound for
> interoperability reasons.
> So the issue comes down to #frag - this is familiar.
> Personally, I want to see as many people as possible using frag http uris
> to denote agents, and also want to ensure that WebID protocol encourages
> this

The WebID protocol should not encourage a particular pattern for mintings
URI, who knows what will be fashionable in 2 years? what if TAG or some
other group comes up with a resolution on the http-range14 debate? I'm not
opposed to using #frag in non-normative examples in the spec, or in some
kind of primer, but IMO for future proofing, the protocol should not be
tied to #frag URIs or any other pattern.

 but does not prevent or preclude any dereferencable http URI, frag or
> slash.



> For reference, would you be 0/1 with:
> a) definition WebID: an HTTP URI which denotes an Agent. Where you can GET
> an RDF model as TURTLE.
> b) subjectAltName ... MUST be an HTTP URI ...
> Best,
> Nathan


Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2012 16:52:31 UTC