Using existing triples for resource access control

In the last teleconf, we didn't come to a conclusion if it's possible to
use existing triples for resource access control using the WAC ontology.
Here is an UAC example, which is use for my ResourceMe tests. In this
example the _:RoleReadGallery role grants read access to the resources
defined by following the s:significantLink and s:contentURL properties.
Start point is a uac:Authorization, which assigns roles and subjects to
an agent/group.

Could WAC also do this? How would the access control rule look like?

@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix s: <>.
@prefix uac: <>.

# my gallery triples:
 a s:ImageGallery;
 s:significantLink [
  a s:ImageObject;
  s:contentURL <>;
 ], [
  a s:ImageObject;
  s:contentURL <>;

# read access to gallery pictures
_:RoleReadGallery a uac:Role;
 uac:access [
  uac:filter [ a uac:SimpleFilter;
   uac:predicate s:significantLink;
  uac:children [
   uac:access [
    uac:filter [ a uac:SimpleFilter;
     uac:predicate s:contentURL;					
    uac:children [
     uac:access [ a uac:ResourceAuthorization;
      uac:mode uac:Read;

# assign role + gallery to a foaf group
_:AuthzFriendsReadGallery a uac:Authorization;
 uac:agent <>;
 uac:hasRole _:RoleReadGallery.

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2012 16:21:34 UTC