Re: Getting the Address Book to work with read-write-web servers

On 28 Oct 2011, at 23:40, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

> On 27 October 2011 14:44, Henry Story <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   As a way to get the read-write-web started we want to get the simplest and most basic linked and secure social web going.
>>  The University of Leipzig - who are organising the Linked Data 2 - have the cool address book in Android I mentioned in a previous post here [1], as well as one that works in html5. On the server side we have
>>  - Joe Presbrey's
>>  - Alex Bertails scala based read-write-web to which I have just added WebID support (see the webid branch )
>>  - others want to join?
>> So the idea is to make it possible for these servers allow the same address book to do some of the following tasks, without knowing what is on the server:
>>  1- of course GET foaf, in order to walk the social web
>>  2- create a new directory perhaps for a user
>>  3- PUT a WebID Profile there (i.e., some public foaf with a public key)
>>  4- Be able to update statements in that graph (say when wanting to add a new key)
>>  5- Create a non public foaf file
>>  6- add access control rules in the right place about that non public foaf file
>>  7- be able to notify someone when one is speaking about them - or when one wants to add a friend request
> [snip[
> This is a nice app, but doesnt foaf kind of provide an address book already?

foaf provides a data structure. It is not an application.

> One thing I'd like to see first is to give everyone a semantic inbox.
> That would be a place where we can leave each other messages about how
> to deliver the read write web step by step.  Eventually this could be
> gamified to make it more fun and viral ...

That can be done too. Perhaps that is what the is about. That's what the address
book is mean to be able to write to.

An address book that can do new pings to people seems like a fun and easy
thing to do, is cool because it works in the cell phone, and there are a few
of of our projects this could work together with. 

>>        Henry
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 28 October 2011 21:47:28 UTC