Re: Meta-level requirements for RIF

Adrian Walker wrote:
> Francois --
> At 06:43 PM 4/18/2006 +0200, you wrote:
>> Semantics requirement for RIF: In my opinion, a declarative semantics
>> is needed
> Agreed.
> However, there is a problem.  W3C folks seem to lean strongly towards
> open world, whereas database (and most other) folks mostly use closed
> world and negation as failure.
> In OW, if Adrian is not in the list of people who work for W3C, you
> cannot conclude that Adrian does not work for W3C.  In CW you can.

THis refers to nonmonotonic negation which is for the second phase.

If RIF is to be used with and as an extension to RDF, then "closed world
assumption" and "nonmonotonic negation" will be necessary -- whatebver
W3C folks lean strongly towards.


Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2006 08:03:04 UTC