Re: constraints use cases/stories? [was: a first tilt at the strawman]

Anthony Finkelstein
>Here are some simple stories
>Scarlet and Bob work in a large bank. They trade in swaps and 
>derivatives. They want to make sure that the swaps they create, that 
>are due to settle in Hong Kong, are not set to settle on a date when 
>the Hong Kong market is shut due to a national holiday.
>Scarlet and Bob also want to know that the party and counterparty 
>information is consistent.
>Fred and Mary work for an online bicycle shop. They want to ensure 
>that the catalogue price of a product is the same as that in their 
>syndicated advertisements.
>Helen and Xavier are software engineers. They wish to ensure that the 
>instances in their UML collaboration diagram correspond to valid 
>classes in their class diagram. They also want to ensure that the 
>class diagram corresponds the code base and the deployment 
>Each of these imply constraints across the information. These 
>constraints must be checked to see if they hold.

With respect to the last example: Why do you think we need a new rule
language to express constraints on UML models given that UML includes
the Object Constraint Language (OCL) [1]?

Evan K. Wallace
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division


Received on Friday, 8 July 2005 17:51:49 UTC