Re: [rsp] RDF Stream Processing Workshop at ESWC

Hello all,

thank you for the CfP I started circulating it.

Have you seen this other workshop DeRiVE?

Some topics which might overlap with ours:
- "How can events be modelled", role of
- "recognise a complex event"
- "event representations developed in other communities"
- "a unified event model"

Apart from the overlap, it seems DeRiVE could be seen as more
application-oriented whereas RSP ist more technical.



Am 23.01.2015 um 13:48 schrieb Jean Paul Calbimonte:
> Dear all,
> As announced, our RSP workshop has been accepted in ESWC2015, which will
> take place in Slovenia.
> Please find below the CfP, and consider submitting and attending to this
> meeting, that will serve as our next Face2Face meeting.
> More info in the RSP workshop web page:
> The participants will of course be contributors to the RSP group note
> that will result from this effort.
> Please note that this workshop is open also for new people who want to
> contribute to this area in general, or start participating in the RSP
> group or who have been recently introduced to this topic.
> Also, if you can, please send around this CfP, as you may have
> colleagues interested in participating.
> If you have any question, suggestion, or want to help in any way, don't
> hesitate to get in touch with us.
> Best regards,
> Alessandra Mileo, Alasdair Gray, Alejandro Llaves & Jean-Paul Calbimonte
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for Papers
> RDF Stream Processing Workshop
> In conjunction with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015)
> May 31th, 2015 in Portoroz, Slovenia
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Motivation
> Data streams are an increasingly prevalent source of information in a
> wide range of domains and applications, e.g. environmental monitoring,
> disaster response, or smart cities. The RDF model is based on a
> traditional persisted-data paradigm, where the focus is on maintaining a
> bounded set of data items in a knowledge base. This paradigm does not
> fit the case of data streams, where data items flow continuously over
> time, forming unbounded sequences of data. In this context, the W3C RDF
> Stream Processing (RSP) Community Group has taken the task to explore
> the existing technical and theoretical proposals that incorporate
> streams to the RDF model, and to its query language, SPARQL. More
> concretely, one of the main goals of the RSP Group is to define a
> common, but extensible core model for RDF stream processing. This core
> model can serve as a starting point for RSP engines to be able to talk
> to each other and interoperate.
> * Goal
> The goal of this workshop is to bring together interested members of the
> community to:
>     - Demonstrate their latest advances in stream processing systems for
> RDF.
>     - Foster discussion for agreeing on a core model and query language
> for RDF streams.
>     - Involve and attract people from related research areas to actively
> participate in the RSP Community Group.
> Each of these objectives will intensify interest and participation in
> the community to ultimately broaden its impact and allow for going
> towards a standardization process. As a result of this workshop the
> authors will contribute to the W3C RSP Community Group Report that will
> be published as part of the group activities.
> * Format
> The workshop will provide a forum for the growing community to discuss
> challenges, current solutions and ideas in RDF stream processing. As
> such it will mainly consist of both research and technical slots on
> topics such as complex event processing, query language extensions, and
> efficient execution approaches for RDF data. There will be a research
> (lightning talks) session and a show-and-tell (demo) session where the
> developers of RDF stream processing engines can showcase their latest
> achievements. Moreover, we also invite application developers to show
> off their latest uses, extensions, or enhancements of existing engines.
> Feedback from developers, who use current engines, is highly valuable to
> advance the state of the art of the community.
> A face-to-face meeting of the W3C RSP Community Group focusing on
> upcoming steps regarding concrete standardization activities will form
> the conclusion.
> * Submission Instructions
> The main aim of the workshop is to foster new ideas and perspectives on
> RDF stream processing from related research areas, and facilitate growth
> and discussion of the W3C RSP Community Group. For this reason, we
> encourage both research and show-and-tell contributions. Submissions
> will consist of an Expression of Interest (EoI) of one page. The EoI
> should contain author’s expertise, current research interests, relation
> to the RSP community, relevance to the broader ESWC audience and the
> indication whether it is submitted to the research session or to the
> show-and-tell (demo) session. Submissions will be managed through
> EasyChair using the following URL:
> * Important dates
> Submission for EoI: Friday March 6, 2015
> Notification of acceptance: Friday April 3, 2015
> Workshop days: Sunday May 31, 2015
> * Organizers
> Jean-Paul Calbimonte, EPFL, Switzerland
> Alasdair J G Gray, Heriot-Watt University, UK
> Alejandro Llaves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
> Alessandra Mileo, National University of Ireland, Galway
> * Programme Committee
> Darko Anicic, SIEMENS AG, Germany
> Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and LocaliData, Spain
> Daniele Dell’Aglio, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
> Emanuele Della Valle, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
> Shen Gao, University of Zurich
> Rene Kaiser, Joanneum Research, Austria
> Josiane Xavier Parreira, Siemens AG, Austria
> Danh Le-Phuoc, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUIG, IE
> Bernhard Ortner, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
> Adrian Paschke, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (TBC)
> Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics & Business, Austria
> Monika Solanki, Aston University, UK
> Roland Stühmer, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Germany
> Kerry Taylor, CSIRO, Australia
> Kia Teymourian, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
> Peter Wetz, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Received on Friday, 23 January 2015 13:32:51 UTC